Hong Kong people speak the land – The view of the people of Hong Kong – [excuses pour dissimuler] The demonic confession to protect the national party The monitoring of human rights ignores the evil of "independence from Hong Kong "


After the government wanted to ban the National Party under the Ordinance on Society, Hong Kong immediately fled and danced, all ghosts, snakes and gods. In addition to all kinds of public opinion and public opinion in support of the national party, some people have even taken out tricks to demonize the national party's generosity plan. Luo Woqi, chief executive of the Hong Kong Human Rights Observatory, has accepted an interview with the media: the Hong Kong police apply the "law on society" in the same way as the reorganization of the British colonial era. The Ministry of Political Affairs, the ambbadador asked the Aguidu to know the channel and use the trick to arouse the emotions of the public!

Luo Woqi is a metaphorical statement of the protest police

the following comments are completely based on media reports, if the content is not true, Luo Woqi self-reported blame liability to the relevant media . According to reports, after the police investigation (National Party), the case should be forwarded to the legal department, then the latter asked the court an injunction to make the first law correct, the channel is clumsy, although the police is now "political" Ministry, but if the police believes that the entire procedure is entirely "the completion of homework" and that she is ready to implement, she will form a real "department policy".

Before refuting Luo Woqi, he was waiting for Yu Yu to go to a history hall with readers and explain the fear of "Political Department". The political and political department of the Hong Kong and British police was subordinated to the police in the structure, under the command of the Secret Intelligence Division of the United Kingdom by the Secret Intelligence Unit, the Political Department being considered the British policy on Hong Kong. The direct action group played the role of "secret police" the same year, the "White House" prison on the Dolly Road in Hong Kong, where were "political prisoners". The person concerned may be detained or even tortured.

The judicial independence of Hong Kong Police not only cover the sky

Returning to today, Yu Yu really wants to ask the question: today, Hong Kong police looks like the political and political department of Hong Kong and Great Britain. When you talk about it, the chain is coated! Wrongly, the law gives the police the power to enforce the "law" of the Companies Ordinance, but it is also a "responsibility": the police implemented the legislation relevant and required that they be the first to be "righteous". What is the simple truth, Luowo Qizhen is a fascinating?

In addition, according to the Societies Ordinance, the so-called generous badociation has an appeal mechanism, and even if the appeal fails, the badociations concerned may still seek judicial review from the High Court, trying to overthrow the Security Bureau and the police. It is precisely because of the mechanism of the Hong Kong Police that the implementation of the Companies Ordinance is absolutely ridiculous and can be compared to the political department of Hong Kong and Great Britain. .

Voice Support for the Abolition of the National Party

I believe everyone agrees that Luo Woqi uses the "alarmist scare" and "old Qu" tricks to tempt to excuse the national party to defraud the moral highlands. "." There is still a word today: "Hong Kong Independence" of the National Party is only a "panic", it is a question d & # 39; serious adaptation, but the situation is delicate: if the rain is daring, the independence of Hong Kong must involve violence. "Mong Kok Riot" is the best example: if you want Hong Kong to engage in bloody violence and not take the road again, thank you all for supporting the ban on the National Party and all "independent" organizations. Hong Kong "!

Original image: Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor Facebook page

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