Hong Kong shares fell to 101 points, three barrels of oil were exhausted – hkej.com


The central government released the signal: after jumping 400 points yesterday, Hong Kong stocks rose more than 200 points this morning, but did not hit the high of the month (28981 points).

Hang Seng Index opened 244 points higher and reported to 28906. After the opening of the market, the increase was reduced, but only increased by 101 points to 28,764. The latest recovery of the uptrend, at 10:00, the Hang Seng index climbed 210 points to 28,873.

The index of state-owned enterprises rose 99 points to 11073.

The continental stock market has stabilized: the Shanghai Composite Index rose 2 points at 2907, while the Shenzhen index rose 0.4%.

Tencent (00700) followed the market to build a good, high 379.8 yuan, above 10 antennas, it rose 0.8%, reported 378.2 yuan.

Before Chinese financial stocks, CCB (00939) opened 2.1% higher, to 7.29 yuan, up 0.8%, Pingbao (02318) rose 1.9% and rose 1.1% to 74.15 yuan.

The price of oil was good, the "three barrels of oil" continued this morning Sinopec (00386) has issued a warning on profits: the price has risen by more than 3%, PetroChina (00857) and CNOOC (00883 ) exceeded 2%.

The values ​​of mobile telephony equipment performed well, AAC Technologies (02018) grew by more than 3% and Haoyu (02382) by 1.8%.

Game actions were well established and Galaxy (00027) and Sands (01928) increased by more than 2%.

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