[Hong Kong Super League] Members advocate free radio programs and tax incentives to promote corporate sponsorship.


The representative of the Office of Home Affairs will be handed over to the relevant policy offices for consideration …

The Legislative Council's Panel on Domestic Affairs will discuss the mid-term review of the "plan Five-year "of the Hong Kong Football Federation Friday, July 20 The establishment and the Pan-Members have all proposed that the government encourage the free distribution of the Hong Kong Super-event and use the tax benefits for the community of business supports the Hong Kong Super League. The Acting Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. Chan Chi-chi, said that he would pursue the study, but the chairman of the committee, Mr. Ma Fung-kwok, said that the government n & # 39; 39, had not made progress in promoting tax breaks for sport.

The Hong Kong Football Association has accepted the Hong Kong Government's annual reserve of 25 million yuan from 1 April 2015 to implement a five-year strategic plan. The mid-term review and review of the findings and recommendations were discussed Friday by the Legion Council's Domestic Affairs Expert Group, of which the Hong Kong Super League has become the ## 148 ## 39, one of the concerns of Members.

As part of the Hong Kong Super League broadcast program, several MPs suggested that the government promote free TV channels to participate in the broadcast. The broadcast in Hong Kong and Taiwan will help Hong Kong to "enter housing" and attract social attention, while Liu Guoxun and Nuo Xuan District have presented similar views and advocated TV channels free to broadcast local football games. Consider, pbad on this message and see if it can be done.

Nuo Xuan District reporter on this site

Mid-term review results also show that the Hong Kong Super League is not effective in commercial sponsorship. hung suggests that the Bureau of Trade and Economic Development shares its experience with the club, creates a platform to help the Hong Kong Super League to seek commercial sponsors and offers tax incentives to promote Hong Kong Super trade support It is also suggested that the government plans to provide a "1 to 1" counterpart subsidy to the Hong Kong Super League.

Liu Guoxun and Yin Zhaojian also proposed tax concessions or concessions. Nuo District Xuan also urged the domestic affairs bureau and general manager Lin Zhengyue to reflect the needs of tax concessions and retransmission arrangements. "If the government of Hong Kong supports the development of the sport, it should propose the exemption of the tax on football sponsorship, which is to support the development of this industry. "

Chen Fizi responded to the proposal However, Ma Fengguo was disappointed: "I have proposed that there are tax-exempt measures for culture, art and recreation over the past two years. years, I always talk about research, "I'm good at this area. "

Chen Jizhi (first row left), Yang Deqiang (front row right) Reporter of this site

Sports Commissioner Yang Deqiang said Hong Kong Chaolian's marketing strategy needed to be strengthened. In this regard, it will take longer and it also revealed that the government allocation for the new season of the Hong Kong Super League will increase by 1.5 million HK dollars.

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