Hot weather | Chen Maobo visited the Dawan District on the 2nd day and said that he should pay close attention to the development of the Sino-US trade war


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Huang Yangda – Photographed at the Second Session of the Advisory Committee on NOC Discrimination Regulations Department of the Blood Publishing

Finance Minister Chen Maobo today visited the three cities of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao (July 30), and said he will closely follow the impact. of the Sino-US trade war on different industries in Hong Kong. Assistance

Chen Maobo pointed out that the government is closely monitoring the development of Sino-US trade frictions, particularly for certain industries in Hong Kong, such as logistics, and Hong Kong manufacturers in China.

Chen Maobo went on to say that the Export Credit Insurance Bureau had taken some steps, that the government had also paid attention to the cash flow situation and that it would have close links with the industry. Chen Maobo visited three cities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, Guangzhou, Foshan and Jiangmen, and met with local officials to inspect local innovative technology companies and visit the Nanhai District Government of Foshan and the city. University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong. Center for Research and Development in Engineering Technology.

(Screen capture of TVB news)

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