Hotspots | Effectively! The Civil Aviation Administration reacted to the "dangerous incident" of Air China and the electronic aircraft was smoked on the co-pilot! – Hong Kong Sina


Title: Hotspots | Safe! The Civil Aviation Administration reacted to the "dangerous incident" of Air China and the electronic aircraft was smoked on the co-pilot!

China Air Network (ID: cns2012)

Recently, China CA106 Air flight is produced in the oxygen mask of the event, the Aviation Authority. Responded to a press conference on the 13th, preliminary investigation, the co-pilot was smoking In the cabin, the concerned air conditioning components were closed by mistake without informing the captain, which resulted in oxygen deficiency in the cabin and a cockpit height warning. The detailed reasons are subject to investigation and verification.If the investigation is true, it will be subject to strict investigation in accordance with the law .

On July 10, flight CA106 from Hong Kong landed in Dalian, the crew was over the Guangzhou area and the air conditioning components were accidentally shut off, which caused a warning of height in the cockpit. The emergency plan was processed to release the oxygen mask from the cabin. After falling to 3000 meters, the problem was found wrong, the air conditioning components were restored, and finally landed safely at Dalian Airport.

According to the Beijing News, informed sources announced that on July 10, the Air China CA106 crew smoked during the flight, mistakenly shutting down two components such as a recirculating fan, which caused a drop in pressure. Mayday fell urgently, after the crew found the problem, the unit was started and pressurized and returned to the altitude of 7.500 meters to continue flying to the destination .


Message from the user on the new Weibo site.


"The cabin temperature has risen and the entire air conditioning system seems to have stopped," said a pbadenger, Mr. Wang. At this time, the notice of broadcast in the cabin: "The aircraft can be compromised and falls urgently, please shut up and fasten the seat belt."


The Flightradar24 civil aviation data software showed that after the departure of flight CA106 on the 10th for about 40 minutes, the altitude went from 35,000 miles (about 10668 meters) 10,000 miles (about 3048 meters) in 10 minutes. They landed at Dalian Airport after a period of 24,600 miles (26,500 miles) and 26,600 miles (about 8,100 meters).



On the evening of July 11, Air China issued a concise statement.

? "In response to the incident of the oxygen mask on flight CA106 Hong Kong-Dalian on July 10, the relevant departments of the Civil Aviation Administration are currently investigating the crew and the if the investigation reveals that the crew has violated the regulations, Seriously treated. "

The statement is short and contains a lot of information.


Why did the oxygen mask fall? Why is the crew under investigation? And does Air China use the expression "zero tolerance"?




On July 12, an investigation report from the China Civil Aviation Northeast Administration gave some answers.

? On July 10, 2018, Flight CA106 from Air China was performing the Hong Kong-Dalian flight mission and the crew manually displayed an oxygen mask for the pbadenger prior to conducting a descent from Emergency at 22:31 Beijing time. It was landed at Dalian Airport with 153 pbadengers and 9 crew members on board, without injury and without damage. "

This is the first official statement on the appearance of the oxygen mask on CA106.


The bulletin gave a professional answer as to why the oxygen mask fell:" In the cruising phase, the aircraft has a cabin height warning. "


Why is the crew under investigation? L & # 39; Administration of North China Civil Aviation and Air China have not given a clear answer.




The manual of the & 1965 manuel [[[[[[LeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLeLecabincrewofanairlineshowsthatthehighpressurereleaseoftheaircraftwillresultinoxygendeprivationforthecrewandthatthosewhoareinpoorhealthwillhaveananoxicreactionstronger


In case of hypobaric hypoxia, people can develop difficulties, headaches, a decrease in vision, uncoordinated movements, and even collapses, comas, shocks, etc.

Photo: Screen capture of the cruiser application


In the case of CA106 flight of Air China, the civil aviation expert Qi Qi told reporter:


1. The cabin pressure relief in the high-altitude cabin caused the oxygen mask to be released into the cabin, which easily caused extreme panic among pbadengers in the cabin, giving pbadengers a psychological shadow.

2. Sudden bullying can trigger disease outbreaks among some functional travelers.




According to media reports, the key to this incident is "the crew was smoking during the flight and mismanaged."


The conduct of an aircraft is a technical activity related to the safety of life of pbadengers and crew members of the entire flight, and the damage caused by improper use are obvious.

User comments on the official statement Weibo of Air China.


But "smoking in the plane" has become the goal of the network. Because the danger of smoking and smoking in the plane is common knowledge.


"Opinions on Restricting the Construction of a Social Credit System by Very Doubtful Special Persons in a Civil Aircraft for a Period", which was implemented on May 1, 2018, clearly clarify the use of open fire. Those who do not listen to deterrence are subject to administrative sanctions by public security organs or are subject to criminal liability and will be restricted to civil aviation.


In fact, on December 30, 1997, China decreed "the ban on smoking in civil airports and civil aircraft": smoking is prohibited in the cabins and toilets of civil aircraft such as aircrafts. national roads. And stressed that "this regulation also applies to civil aviation and airport department staff." However, the non-smoking area does not include the cockpit of the plane.


The "Operational Qualification Regulations for Large Aircraft Public Air Carriers", which was implemented on October 10, 2017, requires that "no one smoke on board an aircraft operated in accordance with these rules" .


The "Navigation Guide – Cabin Safety" announced by the official website of the Administration of Civil Aviation also pointed out that at present, almost all flights international and national require smoking bans throughout the trip. Since nicotine in tobacco is a toxic agent of the central nervous system, it can cause systemic vasoconstriction of the driver, reduce vision and pollute the atmosphere of the aircraft, and even entail risks of harm. 39; fire.


College students wearing a "fashion" cigarette box took to the streets to promote smoking cessation. China News Agency released Meng Delong Photo: CNSPHOTO




Previously, the Civil Aviation Office of Northeast China had conducted an investigation into the dangerous incident of Flight CA106 of Air China.


The Northeast Office of Civil Aviation of China said that the investigation team had inspected the state of the aircraft, sealed the data and the relevant data and proceeded to a registration of the crew members.


At the present time, the Northeast Civil Aviation Office will send to CAAC the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and the Post Conversation Recorder. (CVR), and further research will be conducted.

Source: China News Network? Reporter Cheng Chunyu

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