HSI closing at 28,804.28 points, up 0.08%, business turnover of 65.484 billion yuan – Quamnet.com, Hong Kong stock, news snapshot


The Hang Seng index closed at 28,804.28 points, up 0.08%, with a business turnover of 65.484 billion yuan, the highest at 28,816.69 points and the lowest at 28572.79 points.

=============================================== ================================================== ==================================================
=============================================== ================== Shares
Board Share Performance
rose 718 22.23% 37.33% + 2.30% 244,460 shares
fell 723 22.38% 34.88% -1.85% 228,441
no change Shares 1789 55.39% 48,597 7.42%

Total 3230 100.0% + 0.10% 521.497 79.64%
— ———————— ————————– —————-
Mainboard Warrants Performance
Wheel Cover 6536 90.69% -0.26% 76.714 11.71%
Wheel 671 9.31% + 0.04% 18.952 2.89%

7207 100.0% -0.23% 95.666 14.61%
———— ————————– ———————— ——-
Motherboard Performance CBBC
Certificate of cattle 1633 56.08% -1.40% 3.21% 2 1,026
Bear 1.279 + 1.05% 43.92% 2.54% 16.652

2912 Total 100.0% -0.32% 5.75% 37.678
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Hang Seng constituent stocks Index
shares rose 1.01% 30 60.00% + 11.54% 75.601
shares fell 14 28, 00% 20.62% -0.94% 135.041
no change inventory 6 3.71 12.00% 24.309%

Total 50 100.0% + 0.34% 234.951 35.88%
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