Hua Tsai is back on the scene! Hung Hom sings 20 games – free entertainment


2018/07/27 06:00

Andy Lau will sing 20 matches in Hong Kong at the end of the year. (Taiwan Yingyi provided)

[Reporteur Lin Zhengping / Taipei Report] Aged 56, Andy Lau announced yesterday that he was going to sing 20 songs at Hung Hom in Hong Kong on December 15: "I love Andy Lau World Tour. accompany the fans to spend Christmas and the New Year. Liu Dehua revealed that he hoped to return to the scene after the horse was wounded in January 2006. This poster is inspired by the portrait of Van Gogh and invited the artist Zeng Fanzhi to create for him.

This time in the Hung Hom sings 20 games, the Taiwan field network will fall in 2019, the affiliate Andy Lau said that "the time is n 39; has not yet been determined. "He attended a new banquet and was questioned about the pregnancy of his wife, Zhu Liqian, who denied being a father for the second time:" I will work hard and hope to add new members

Andy Lau also said, "As I have already said on Weibo, my firm eyes are for my next concert, I will come back firmly and healthily. "In this painting, I confirmed myself. Commitment to everyone Vatican has used its soul to compete with time to create this perfect painting.

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