In Shanghai, animated by the portrait of Xi Jinping, "Black", the woman was arrested and arrested | China | New Head Shell Newtalk


A young woman named Dong Yaoqiong, in front of the HNA building in Lujiazui, Shanghai (4), on behalf of "performance art", painted ink on Chinese President's "Chinese Dream" poster Xi Jinping. And spread the whole process via Twitter. She stated that she opposed the CCP's dictatorship and the hatred of Xi Jinping. The video immediately triggered an extensive broadcast and attention on the social network. The company does not know where the woman is. The company said that she had been officially arrested that day.

According to the film, the woman said before the ink splash: "I opposed the tyranny of the dictatorship of Xi Jinping with the real-name system and opposed to the & système système système système système système système système. oppression of the brain control of the Chinese Communist Party. " The entire movie lasts about 2 minutes and 20 seconds. The woman said in the movie that the time of shooting was around 6:40 on the 4th.

The Chinese website The Voice of America (VOA) reports on 4 that the woman asked international organizations to 39 to intervene to investigate the "persecution of the control of the brain" that the Communist Party had imposed on him. Some people think that she splashed ink to get American political asylum, and her motives are suspicious, others have expressed doubts about her state of instability .

The report stated that at 3:00 pm, the young woman named @feefeefly had tweeted, "Now there is a group of people in uniform outside my door, I will go out after having changed clothes, I am not guilty. It's the person and the organization that hurts me. "

The report mentioned a day ago that the Twitter account said in a tweet:" Everyone should have the right to be free from fear, tomorrow if you get angry and then tear up- No ghost has been harbaded by the Communist Party for more than a year, and I have endured enough! … "

According to the agency 's report press, the woman was arrested by the Chinese authorities the same day (4th). The artist Hua Yong has launched urgent attention on the social network, calling on netizens and the international community to pay attention to the development of the issue.He is very worried about the safety of women.

Hua Yong said similar videos were circulating in China. He asked Shanghai's friends to inquire about his current situation and find his name: "Do not let it go silently." "Defend the Constitution, and freedom of speech is not guilty.

Hua Yong was "prosecuted at the provincial level" for shooting the "low-end" population incident in Beijing last year, after which he was released after being detained for three days due to broad social support. Hua Yong hopes that "this miracle" will be repeated once again about the girl who splashed the ink.

That night, some netizens disclosed the identity of the woman who splashed the ink and cell phone number, the caller "Dong Yaoqiong", 20-year-old Zhuzhou , Hunan, engaged in real estate work in Shanghai. However, it is said that the cell phone with the number disclosed can not be connected.

According to Radio Free Asia (FRG), she was contacted on Twitter on Twitter, but she refused to be interviewed. Later, Dong's Twitter account was closed and the comings and goings are unknown. Later, his Twitter video could not be opened!

Voice of America called the Propaganda Department of Shanghai Public Security Bureau to check the case.The staff who answered the phone said that they did not understand the phone. case and suggested that the reporter send a fax to request the interview.

The report indicated that some netizens compared this ink-spraying behavior with young Hunan Yu Dongyue, Yu Zhijian, and Lu Decheng, who threw a huge portrait of Mao Zedong at the Tiananmen Gate 29 years ago. years.

In addition, in 2016, Quan Ping, a returning student, shared a t-shirt with a shirt printed with the words "Xi Baozi", "Da Saco" and XITLER (Titler). Incitement to the subversion of the power of the state.

The retired teacher of the Chinese Communist Party of China Communist Party of Yunnan called for the resignation of Xi Jinping, proposed the Secretary-General of the 19 main direct elections, accused of inciting the subversion of state power. On May 4, Fan Liqin, a friend of Deng Xiaoping 's son, Deng Xiaoping, posted a large – print poster on the day of the Beijing University Day and bombed the personal worship and l'. constitutional amendment of Xi Jinping. During the Cultural Revolution, Fan Liqin was beaten and mutilated. He posted a big character poster to criticize Xi Jinping for being officially punished, but we do not know it.

  According to the film, the woman said before the splash of ink: "I opposed the tyranny of the autocratic dictatorship of Xi Jinping and I opposed the oppression of the brain control of the Chinese Communist Party. " The entire movie lasts about 2 minutes and 20 seconds. The woman said in the movie that the time of shooting was around 6:40 on the 4th. "Title =" According to the movie, the woman said before splashing ink: "I'm I am opposed to the tyranny of the dictatorship of Xi Jinping and I opposed the oppression of the brain control of the Chinese Communist Party. " The entire movie lasts about 2 minutes and 20 seconds. The woman said in the movie that the time of shooting was around 6:40 on the 4th. "/>

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That night, some netizens posted the identity and cell phone number of the woman who leaked the ink, the caller "Dong Yaoqiong", 20-year-old Zhuzhou , Hunan, engaged in a real estate agency work in Shanghai. Photo: Look at the Youtube

  According to the movie, the woman said before the jet of ink:

According to a report from the news agency, the woman was arrested by the Chinese authorities the same day (4th). The artist Hua Yong has launched urgent attention on the social network, calling on netizens and the international community to pay attention to the development of the issue.He is very worried about the safety of women. Photo: Look at the Youtube

  According to the movie, the woman said before the splash:

A day ago, the Twitter account said in a tweet: "Everyone should have the right not to be afraid, if tomorrow you go on the street, if you m'énerves, then tearing- the. The Communist Party has been monitoring the nuisance for over a year, and I have endured enough! … "The picture shows Dongmei appeared in front of the HNA building in Lujiazui, Shanghai on the morning of (4) .Photo: Look at the Youtube

  According to the film, the woman said before the splash of water. ink: "I opposed the tyranny of Xi Jinping's dictatorship by the real name and the oppression of the cerebral control of the Chinese Communist Party." The entire film lasts about 2 minutes and 20 seconds. said in the movie that the time of shooting was around 6:40 on the 4th. "Title =" According to the film, the woman said before splashing ink: "I opposed to the tyranny of the dictatorship of Xi Jinping and I opposed the oppression of the brain control of the Chinese Communist Party. "The entire film lasts about 2 minutes and 20 seconds.The woman said in the movie that the Time of shooting was around 6:40 on the 4th. "

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In the name of "the art of behavior", Dong Niang threw ink on the portrait of Chinese President Xi Jinping on the poster of "Chinese Dream". Photo: Look at the Youtube

  According to the movie, the woman said before the jet of ink:

The presenter aired the entire process of spraying ink on Twitter and then left happily. She stated that she opposed the CCP's dictatorship and the hatred of Xi Jinping. The corresponding video immediately triggered a widespread spread and attention on the social network, and it was reportedly stopped by the Chinese authorities the same day. Figure: Rewind from Youtube

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