Infants and children have a vaccine against "bad drugs" 2 problem companies sold a total of 650,000 | ETtoday Continental | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ Infants and young children have a "bad medicine", two problem firms sold a total of 650,000. (Photo / China News Service Resume)

▲ The Baibai Rupture Vaccine from Changchun Changsheng has a "lower medicine", and Wuhan Biological has also been found unskilled. (Photo / Inversion of China News Service, even below)

Continental Center / Full Report

Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology is not only dynamited to produce rabies vaccine, but even the rave vaccine white used by infants and young children is also a "bad drug". The Food and Drug Administration of Jilin Province recently issued an "administrative punishment decision" in which Changchun Changsheng has been the subject of an investigation for violation of the law on the administration of drugs for the sale of substandard drugs. Unexpectedly, in addition to Changchun Changsheng, the Wuhan Institute of Organic Products also produced unqualified DTP vaccines, and more than 650,000 of the two companies were sold.

According to the "China Economic Net" report, Baibai Broken is a pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus vaccine for infants and young children for infants from 3 months to 6 years old. According to the National Immunization Program, the DPT vaccine must be vaccinated 4 times, and each child is vaccinated once every 3, 4, 5 and 18 months and if the vaccination is completed 4 times, a better protective effect may to be obtained.

Related studies have shown that the effectiveness of DTP vaccine in preventing whooping cough is about 85%, even though a small number of children suffer from whooping cough, as the prevention of Diphtheria is about 95% and the protection is over 3 times better. The effectiveness of tetanus prevention is 80% to 100%, and the completion of 4 vaccinations can provide effective protection for adolescence.

The Changchun Changsheng project "Measurement of the potency" of the "no adsorption Baibai breakthrough vaccine" does not meet the requirements and is treated according to the lower drug according to the law. As everyone knows, it was found that there was a problem not only for Changchun Changsheng, but also because the price-effectiveness index of Wuhan Bio's Baibaidu vaccine did not meet the standard requirements .

 ▲ ▼ Infants and children have a

▲ 2 companies sold a total of more than 65 million unqualified DTP vaccines.

Since the introduction of Changshun Changsheng's official website, it can be seen that the DPT vaccine that it produces is included in the National Immunization Program Vaccine and that millions of vaccines are provided to provincial governments each year. The same is true for the official website of Wuhan Bio, the main products are the broken vaccine Baibai, etc., with a production base with an annual output of 75 million broken white vaccines, the production volume is considerable.

Unexpectedly, the units involved conducted extensive investigations and found that Changbai Changsheng's Baibai breakout vaccine (batch number 201605014-01) contained 2,520,600, all sold to the Provincial Control Center and Shandong disease prevention. A total of 400,520 vaccines were sold to the Chongqing Municipal Prevention and Control Center (190,520) and the remaining 210,000 were sold to the Hebei Provincial Control and Disease Prevention Center.

Regulatory authorities penalized RMB 3.44 million (about NT $ 15.51 million) for Changchun Changsheng's "lower drug" problem, which fell five days on the 20th, and its market value of 9.786 RMB billion (about NT $ 44.13 billion). ). The Shenzhen Stock Exchange has taken precautionary measures for the first time, and has recently launched disciplinary proceedings for the public condemnation of Changchun Changsheng and related parties. In response, Changchun Changsheng responded that the company's broken Baibai production shop had been abandoned and that she was actively studying the vaccine against the broken Baibai components and the multi-vaccine based on it. : "We are very surprised by this incident.The reproach and embarrbadment, once again expressed deep apologies to vaccinators and investors." Changchun Changsheng stressed that the company will take the lead, take the same reason, formulate practical and corrective measures, rectify and ensure the conformity of production. , authenticity, reliability, traceability and quality badurance of the vaccine.

 ▲ ▼ Infants and Children Have a

▲ Regulatory authorities penalized 3.44 million RMB for Changchun Changsheng's "lower drug" problem.

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