Instagram adds "online" display! Shenyin IG use this trick! Free 3C Technology Newsletter


Instagram added "Show online" feature. (Photo taken from 9to5Mac)

Instagram with 1 billion users is re-enhanced for the function of interaction with friends In addition to displaying the "last time online" of the l & # 3939; friend, he will now show if the friend is "online". State. Instagram said on the official blog that this new feature displaying the status of "online" will appear in the list of direct messages for users who have had conversations, as well as a list of friends when they are not in the same place. a friend will appear online. As a little green dot, you can interact and share with your friends.

If you do not want your personal online activity to be seen by the other party, you can set the "Active Status" feature to Disabled in "Settings" Instagram. Set the path to: Click the "Settings" icon and look for the "Active Status" option to disable the active button.

In the list of direct message bars, the list of contacts, a small green dot appears next to the photo sticker of the l & # 39; friend posted online. (Photo taken from IG Bolg)

When you disable this feature, you can not let your caller see your last time online, and if it is online, relatively, the last hour online of the other party and if she is online. He will also be hidden.

From the setup menu, click the "Status Active" function to enable or disable the function button. (Source / Channel 3C Free)

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