Interview "I'm Chinese?" Ji Zheng: How is English I'm Chinese? China or China? | Policy | New Head Shell Newtalk


  For some who pointed out that "supporting the referendum is tantamount to supporting criticism of Taiwan's independence," Ji Zheng demands that even a referendum be tantamount to supporting Taiwan's independence.

For some people who pointed out that "supporting the referendum is tantamount to supporting criticism of Taiwan's independence," Ji Zheng said the referendum is tantamount to supporting Taiwan's independence. Photo / Chen Peijun photo

The recent Chinese crackdown on Taiwan's force is getting stronger and stronger. I recently called the referendum on the 2020 Olympic Games in Taiwan as the official name, and unveiled the right to host the Asian Youth Games in Taichung next year. Shell specifically questioned the referee of the referendum and asked him questions about the correct name of the referendum, in addition to sighing the inaction of the Cai government in this interview, she also clarified that in the 1970s, it was reported by the media as "I am China". Background of time and space of people.
The following is an interview:

"I want to win, I do not want to lose!" Promote the spirit of the Tokyo referendum.

"I was not a person who would back down!" The process, Ji Zheng's eyes firmly affirmed that his concept is that as long as the things in his hands are worthy of themselves, they are worthy of conscience, and that makes sense.She There is limited wisdom that this event should be done, As a typical sports player, athletes should be sporty, if you want to be an athlete, you must have an athletic personality without personality, you You are not qualified to be an athlete and you really want to win and not lose. This is very important! "

Ji Zheng recalled the two main" probiotics "who promoted the referendum: she represented Taiwan at all three Olympics while she was playing on behalf of Taiwan and the president was still Chiang Zhongzheng , "If he was not in agreement, can we use such a name? I just want to bring back what I have owned, I hope our players, the future. In addition, this joint activity was initiated by the Friends of Taiwan and the Japanese Yongshan Yingshu, the Japanese are so arrogant for us. "How can we ignore it? How can we be indifferent, it's not fair, others help us, We're indifferent, it's very strange!"

Although Ji Zheng tried to promote the sport, Ji Zheng clearly knew that an activity would have positive and negative points of view, and that she was very opposed to the players involved in the incident. The important thing is to properly train and participate in the competition: the easier the player is, the better it is, even the coach should be simple. "

Support for the referendum = support for the independence of Taiwan? It was Chiang Zhongzheng … In response to some recent doubts, Ji Zheng said in the past that "I am Chinese", but now she is doing a fair referendum Ji Zheng particularly clarified that the 1970s were the brightest moment of her life, she won 6 World Record, there were a lot of reporters foreigners who interrogated her, and even the foreign media asked her if she could play for the United States, she replied in English "I am Chinese", but "How are the Chinese returning?" Will turn into China, some people will turn into Chinese, which is a translation problem, "said Ji, translating" I am Chinese, my blood is the blood of the Chinese, my heart is the heart of China, Then it is very important to see how the translator translates! "As for why did not clarify these translation problems at the time?" Ji Zheng frankly said that she rarely reads the media: "If you have to explain everything, you do not have to." do not have time to do other things, so I have not seen these things (the media).

For some who criticized "supporting the referendum by supporting Taiwan's independence" Ji Zheng said the referendum is tantamount to supporting Taiwan's independence, so if participating in an international competition on behalf of Taiwan is tantamount to supporting Taiwan's independence, then Chiang Chung-chung allowed my delegation to play on behalf of Taiwan, is it also considered an independence of Taiwan?

Expanded Reading:

East Asia Qingyun was withdrawn "Ji Zheng: Tsai Ying can stand me I really admire him …

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