Interview survey of Wang Jian with a French policeman: rare accidents occurred on the spot | HNA New Tang Dynasty TV


[New Dynastie Tang, heure de Beijing, 5 juillet 2018] The death of Hainan President Wang Jian in France has caused a high degree of public concern at home and abroad, as well as various speculations. The French police officer in charge of the investigation revealed the details of Wang Jian's death to the French media, saying that such accidents were "rarely rare" in the area and that Wang Jian's fall on the low wall was almost dead on the spot.

On July 5, Faguang publishes an exclusive interview with a French police officer charged with investigating Wang Jian's accident. According to the policeman, there were six people at the scene at the time of the incident, including Wang Jian's colleague and a tour guide, and he did not have his family.

The police officer also revealed that Wang Jian was visiting near the church of Bonnieux, that he wanted to climb on a low wall and climb high and hope that he would fall from the height of 15 meters. After falling, he died almost immediately.

The police said the height of 15 meters is enough to be fatal. Judging by the fall of Wang Jian, it is likely that it will lead to direct death.

The officer also stated that such incidents were "unique" in Bonnieux, but similar incidents occurred elsewhere.

According to reports, preliminary results of the autopsy of the police revealed no signs of distrust, the cause of death being internal bleeding. The final results of the autopsy may not be available in a few weeks or even months.

The policeman said that Wang Jian's body is still in the morgue.

On July 3, Wang Jian travels to France to conduct an "investigation of the case" and dies during the Provencal campaign tour due to "accidents". As for the details of Wang Jian's death, there have been many sayings here and elsewhere.

One way to tell is that Wang Jian climbed a 10-meter low wall and asked his family to help take pictures, which made him fall and fall.

Another way to say that Wang Jian tried to climb the low wall for the first time failed: the second time he climbed the wall running and the result fell. After Wang Jian was taken to the hospital, he also said "foot pain".

There is also a saying on the Internet that "the president is pushed down".

HNA Group has received a lot of attention due to large – scale mergers and acquisitions abroad and huge debt problems. Therefore, Wang Jian died suddenly, causing various speculations.

(Reporter Li Jie Report / Editor: Ming Xuan)

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