Is the system late? Microsoft Surface Phone or next year | –


Andromeda, which is the code name of the Microsoft smartphone, was proposed several years ago and it has already been said that there would be related products called Surface Phone at the end of the year. year.

But it is said that the factory has completely abandoned the smartphone market, according to the latest foreign media reports, Microsoft supplementing and launching three plans for new Surface products depending on the market, including the price tag. introduction of Surface Go, called Libra. The tablet, which is expected to launch a large number of Carmel (supposed to be the sixth generation Surface Pro), and the Andromeda project, which has been around for a long time, should be the surface phone.

The news indicates that Microsoft is not satisfied with the software and hardware configuration of the existing sampler, so it is necessary to "return the revision" and extend the time until 2019 , in the hope that new products can meet the high quality. (Photo is an unofficial surface phone design)

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