Israel fires Syrian fighters | Golan Heights | Patriot Missiles New Tang Dynasty TV


[Nouvelle Dynastie Tang, 24 juillet 2018] The Israeli army on Tuesday accused a Syrian fighter plane that flew into the Golan Heights that day, and Israel subsequently fired two "and shot it to defend the plane." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "Our air defense system has detected a Syrian Air Force aircraft taking off from Syrian T-4 Air Base and invading Syrian airspace, a serious violation of the secession separation agreement of 1974. Reaffirm and make it clear that we do not accept any of these violations. "

The Israeli army said that the activity of the civil war in Syria was intensifying and that the air force was frequent.The Syrian fighter Sukhoi was penetrating in the Israeli airspace for two kilometers The interception of missiles "Patriot" was immediately launched.

This is the second similar incident between Syria and Syria on the Golan Heights during the The Syrian media has stated that after the rebel and ISIS-occupied lands, Syrian government forces from Assad will visit the Golan Heights.

Israeli army maintains a high degree of vigilance and defends the sovereignty of airspace at all times.

New Tang Dynasty reporter Qiao A full report

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