"It's time to run" Yuncai Baobao – World Sports 8 Top Review – China Times News


The Top 8 of the 2018 FIFA World Cup World Cup. With the benefit of owners and anti-tactics, Russia has gone to Spain in PK and has become the most unpopular of the top eight. The top eight games have been confirmed in this regard, the following is a brief overview of the overall team trend.

Uruguay Vs. France

This is the only combination of two former champions, the fast offensive and defensive of France, the tactical change, the Griezmann striker, the air superiority Giroud, the speed and explosiveness . The unbelievable Mbape, plus the midfielder, was attacked by Pugba and Kanter to make up for the weakness of the defense. Uruguay is relatively good: the attacker's cooperation with the two forwards of Suarez and Cavani has the ability to snatch the defense of the opponent, but Cavani is injured in the battle against Portugal, though it's not coming back on time, the outlook is worrisome.

Brazil vs Belgium

Nei Ma was killed, not only Continio jumped, the top 16 against Mexico, William finally showed the star style, dribbling, breakthrough and pbading have a high level of performance, Helping Neima open the record to break the stalemate, but Brazil must be worried that midfielder Takashiro has accumulated two yellow cards. Belgium is still not surprised by the two goals behind Japan: the 65 – minute "God Dispatch" of coach Martinez coincides: two of the substitutes, Fellaini and Chadley, respectively attacked the team. equalization and tradition, proving that Belgium is in a critical situation. There are still plans B, which is definitely a big concern for all the forces of the road.

England vs Sweden

The Swedish formation is stable, tactical defensive, still allows the opponent to show himself nowhere, tactical anti-counterfeit, but not beautiful, but seizes the l & # 39; 39, opportunity to defeat the enemy, the defensive ability The ball can also give a fatal blow to England. England is good at playing the wind, and it's much simpler if you take the lead. Ken is the main point of attack and will be strictly guarded by his opponents.It must be counted on the breakthrough of Sterling, Lingard and Axiliyang to thwart the iron shootings.It's easy to be impetuous for a long-term attack and air defense is also a weakness. PK war curse, forced by the opponent in the playoffs is not all innumerable.

Russia against Croatia

Russia with strong walls, Spain tasted bitter fruits, but the defense can not guarantee the promotion, Golovin, Juba and Cherishev and other players offensive, must come out of the group stage For the great efficiency of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, there is a chance to deal with the opponent. Croatian offensive Croatia, Modric midfielder, although he did not send any help, but he controls the pace of the game, remains the key to the series of four victories of the top eight, his long-range ability can also play in the Russian defense. Surprise effect The defense of Croatia is also good, and Russia is not easy to repeat the drama of the first 16 PK wins.

(中 时 电子 报)

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