[Jakarta Palembang Jeux Asiatiques] U23 Hong Kong Rally Lawless Port is hit by the Asian Games is not optimistic | UPower


Zodia and Jordan were injured, "Oriental Three Sons" absent and Jiazhong injured left, and the department wanted to help the Asian Games soccer team

which represented Hong Kong in the men's football project. Asian Games from Jakarta Palembang to Hong Kong. The football team under 23, Tuesday July 17 in the warm-up match 0: 1 Thai Olympic team negative, the first time after receiving the SAR pbadport, the representative of Hong Kong, the player Laurel stranger is injured, U23 Hong Kong temporary coach Guo Jianuo said that the opportunity for the Foreign Minister to play the Asian Games is not very optimistic.

Photo of the Hong Kong Football Association

The Hong Kong U23 team beat Tuesday the Thai Olympic team and was defeated at the time of the stop, 0: 1 was defeated, the team resumed the lesson on Wednesday. See the frustration: "The players have not suffered because of the stop of yesterday, because everyone knows that it is a match friendly, mainly to observe the state, the attack, the defense.The smile is complete, the atmosphere is always important and we must create a good atmosphere for the game and the training.

Hong Kong Football Association picture

Guo Jianuo revealed that Laurier, injured in the match Tuesday, had no fracture.The first to the second injury, the Asian Games are not very optimistic " : "Then the team must kick a kick, the next two days to adjust, after all, a missing backbone.Laureau is helpful in the original formation, now only hope Do not be too lost he has always waited a long time to get a pbadport, he can finally represent Hong Kong, I respect him and I'm doing well r ground, but I'm finally hurt. "

Hong Kong Football Association Pictures [19659008] Laurel (second from the left) Photo of the Hong Kong Football Association

As for the recovery progress of Lin Leqin, the match of 39 Saturday warm-up will certainly be absent, then followed by the physiotherapist, if you can not catch up The programming of the Asian Games may change.

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