Jilin pharmaceutical company was sabotaged the production of vaccines against rabies fraud | fraud | rabbies shot


[Reporter Li Xin'an / Report] A few days ago, Jilin Changchun, a rabies vaccine from the pharmaceutical company, had production and fraud problems, and the same vaccine was recalled. The mainland of China has repeatedly exposed the problem vaccine, causing public anxiety.

On July 15, according to the State Administration of Medicines, the rabies vaccine produced by Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Changsheng Biological) was found to have a production and fraud file. Discontinued and retrieved the GMP certificate (Production Quality Management Certificate).

The notice indicated that all batch products were not shipped and sold.

On the same day, Changsheng Biotech confirmed to Caixin.com that the company recalled all batches of freeze-dried human rabies vaccines (Vero cells) during the validity period.

Gao Junfang, the president of the company, sent an "emergency notice" to the provincial advocacy team to demand that disease control agencies and immunization units cease immediately use the rabies vaccine and arbitrarily store their rabies vaccine. At the same time, the recall procedure is started.

After the incident was exposed, the public was intrigued by the "production record fraud" and believed that the official notification was "unknown" and questioned the quality and the safety of the medicine. Currently, the cause of the incident is still under investigation.

It is reported that the rabies vaccine produced by Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology last year accounted for a quarter of the country. According to the company's annual report, in 2017, the company's freeze-dried rabies vaccine (Vero cells) was released in a batch of 3.55 million copies, ranking second in the country .

A number of netizens said that they had just felt "horrible" just after the rabies vaccine produced by Changchun Changsheng. Netizens said, "Why can not you change your education in China?" "Life-saving drugs can kill people!" "The punishment is too small and the chain of interest is too complicated.

Other vaccines produced also had problems. In 2017, the former National Food and Drug Administration notified that some of the batches of DTP vaccines produced by Changsheng Biological were not up to standard, with 252,600 vaccines, all sold to the Provincial Control Center and prevention of Shandong diseases. ◇

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