Kolas Yotaka is broken in history Hung Mong-soo: I am still in charge of reducing the laws on impaired driving | ETtoday Policy | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ Legislative Officer Valley Hots. Yolaska Kolas Yotaka (photo / reporter Li Yukang)

▲ Kolas Yotaka. (Photo / Reporter Li Yikang)

Political Center / Full Report

Executive Dean Lai Qingde announced at the press conference on the 12th that nine members of the cabinet would be changed and should be officially released next Monday. It will be taken over by Kolas Yotaka, a non-divisional legislator of the DPP. However, Kolas Yotaka did not officially take office and was found by netizens to be arrested for impaired driving in August 2014 and was sentenced to two months in prison. Hong Mengxuan, spokesman for Guo Mingfang, pointed out that when Kolas was legislating, he changed the law to prevent drunkards from doing repetitive things: "I drove the driver to increase the penalty and j & rsquo; Was completely contradictory and satisfied "

Kolas appears to have been caught in the act of driving while intoxicated. According to the Taipei District Court Judge, Kolas drove 2 cans of alcoholic beverages near Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City at 11 pm on August 9, 2014. At 4:55 am on the 10th, driving from A small pbadenger car On his way home, he was stopped by the police and tested for alcohol by breathing and exhalation for a result of 0.37 mg per liter.

The verdict indicates that Kolas ignored his safety and ignored public safety: he consumed alcohol and drank an alcohol concentration of 0.37 milligrams per liter after drinking alcohol. alcohol and drives his own car on the road, which does not affect road safety. After reading his crimes, he can confess his guilt, his attitude is acceptable, he has no criminal record, he is convinced that his business is good, his economic situation is easy, his diplomas are graduates and he is sentenced to two months in prison. As the Yi Ke fine, converted to 1 thousand yuan for 1 day.

Hong Mengxuan criticized the fact that Kolas was drunk four years ago, and he also changed the law in 2016 to prevent drunkards from doing things over and over. Pbadersby suffered and the family was broken, I do not know if the drunk Kolas had thoughts when he saw this pbadage.

Hong Mengxun doubted that Kolas' company, behind the banner of justice, was for his own heart. Or can I just drink, can not anyone else? And of course, know that drunk driving will hurt pbaders-by and the family, so why did Kolas still drink in 2014? I can only say that I did something wrong and that I want to hide it, it means that people feel insane.

Hong Mengxuan shouted, Kolas was born to be officially named, and now such news, just to test the attitude of the PDP government on drunk driving, "Do not change the spokesperson, wait for people to replace you! " For driving while intoxicated, Kolas said that at the time there was a drink at dinner, when I left, I slept in the car for about 4 hours I was afraid to delay work the next day and after measuring my physical condition. Driving on the road, but was intercepted by the police to find out.

Kolas insists that the error is false, that the representatives of public opinion have similar feelings and that they convince themselves of their own experience: they do not want to not drive and drive for life.

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