Lai Qingde: There is no American support! It's hard for us to protect ourselves – ETtoday News Cloud

Lai Qingde: There is no American support! It's hard for us to protect ourselves. ETtoday News Cloud

▲ Executive Dean Lai Qingde went to the Legislative Yuan to obtain a reference. (Photo / reporter Tu Huigang photo) Reporter Xu Zhengyu / Taipei reported that the executive Dean Lai Qingde had led the administrative team in front of the Legislative Yuan for a consultation on April 16. Kuomintang legislator Kong Wenji shared his views on cross-Strait relations. He fears that both sides of the strait will now be confronted with a state of conflict. If they come to such a dangerous situation, is it possible to maintain relations between the two shores? Lai Qingde responded that China's attempt to annex Taiwan to China was obvious: "Without the support of the United States, it is difficult for us to protect ourselves." Lai Qingde said: "The bell must be attached to the bell." If the mainland of China can recognize the goodwill of President Tsai Ing-wen and the dominant public opinion in Taiwan, the question on both sides of the strait is naturally resolved. Faced with the international situation, the conflict between the United States and China, Taiwan aspires to stability. If the situation changes, it must be actively strengthened to allow Taiwan to continue to progress in chaos. Does the Strait Control Policy adopt Latin America to resist China? Lai Qingde said that it is mainly because Taiwan is a sovereign independent country, which has its own national interests and also defends the democratic way of life, it is China that has an obvious annexation. The United States is helping Taiwan's political reform, economic progress and social innovation. This is very useful: the attitude towards Taiwan is different than that of mainland China at 180 degrees. Lai Qingde went on to say that the outside world seemed to think that Taiwan was in the United States, but that is not the case. Taiwan has its own national interests. "In fact, he has his own direction." But thanking the United States for their support, though it is not supported by the United States, in a series of threats and attempts at annexation in Mainland China, "we are also very difficult to protect us ". In response to Kong Wenji's question about the registration of residence permits in mainland China, if the people of Taiwan are headed, it will be limited to the right to vote. Lai Qingde said that the maintenance of cross-Straits relations was incumbent on both sides. In fact, mainland China does not have to suppress Taiwan everywhere, because of the comfort of life, this …

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