[Le parti national face à l'interdiction] Zhou Haoding advocates the wrong road to independent education in Hong Kong.All the government does well (15:42) – 20180724 – Hong Kong News – Instant News


Police have suggested that the Security Bureau cite the Companies Ordinance prohibiting the Hong Kong Independence Party from running the Hong Kong National Party, Zhou Haoding, a member of the DAB Legislative Council, believes that government practices are correct.

Zhou Haoding attended the program of the website of former Democratic Party chairman Liu Huiqing and talked about the incident of the Hong Kong National Party, saying "if it is generous ". The national party has arbitrarily arbitrarily arrogant and continues to defend the independence of Hong Kong and teach bad roads: the next generation accepts a sense of conscience and undermines one country, two systems, so it is easy to get rid of it. to have bloody conflicts.

Liu Huiqing asked the National Party that he was approved by the police earlier and that the National Party saw no behavior endangering Hong Kong and national security. "The National Party has been around for a while and every time it accumulates sooner or later, one day it will become a tipping point." He thinks there's nothing not many people who support the independence of Hong Kong, but they clearly say that "the scene is so good that it will continue to ferment".

In addition, Emily Liu quoted alumni of economics and political science from London to ask Zhou Haoding, who is also a former student of the school, what is "democracy" and why he joined the DAB. Is it democratic? "Zhou Haoding said," DAB has the name of "Democracy"! Liu Huiqing asked, "Is this a democracy? "Zhou Haoding smiled and replied," There is a row of, I am 哋 Two! "

Zhou Haoding said that he was interested in politics and that the DAB was training the younger generation in the heat, so he joined the DAB in 2004." I do not want to talk about patriotism and d & # 39; 39, love Hong Kong, I want to contribute to the country and contribute to Hong Kong, I can not join a political party to fight the country. Confrontation. "

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Hong Kong director Lin Shuzhen said she was raped by the Hainan pilot to force the police to persuade the police or attack the victim's office (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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