[Le Tour de France] The Sprint King will be eliminated Kavi Dishuo OUT | UPower


This year, the brothers have a trip to the Tour de France, and they finished the game without meat.

The 11th stage of the Tour de France Wednesday 18 July, the 30th champion of the Tour de France, the British star Cavite And the German driver Jietu who took the 14 champions of the Tour de France could not follow the main car group on the mountaineering section and finally could not finish the game. The event this year has just entered the section "Mode" 2 sprinters can already enter early at home.

Team Dimension Date official website photo

"The nightmare of the sprinter" is the title of the foreign cycling information website, and Kavi Dizzi and Jitu at the 10th station are only in the first 30 seconds before the limit of 11 people In the group of cars, the line was rushed and barely exceeded: there were 2 stations with 2 tracks of HC, 1 slope of level 2 and finally 1 slope of level, Kavidi was confronted with the first slope of level HC. I have to work hard and need the help of my teammates, but as the situation is not good, he also indicated that two teammates were chasing the car before, but one of the two Still failed to compete with Cavendish and Jitu in the Sky team. The pilot, Thomas, took the lead 31 minutes and 27 seconds after the line was reached and was eliminated.

Picture of Team Dimension Date Official Site

Ryder, the owner of Team Dimension Data, the Cavendish team, said: "He (Kavidish) is disappointed and needs time to cheer up, but he has experience, people have already faced this situation, everyone was expecting this situation because the 65 km after the substation are very difficult. "Teamin, who had wanted to bring the car to help Kavidy to complete the substation, said: N 'did not give up, but when he realized that it would drag us down, he told us to catch up and to try to get through. "

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