Legislative Council Panel on Home Affairs Friday, meeting to discuss the five-year strategic plan and request for improvement of the Hong Kong Football Association | UPower


This is a mid-term review: when the five-year period is over, it will be fully reviewed and, when the government arrives, will it continue to run the 39; water?

The Hong Kong Football Association received a $ 25 million grant from the Hong Kong government for a five-year strategic plan as of April 1, 2015. The Football Task Force of the Office of Home Affairs conducted a review mid Road. Suggestions have been submitted to the Legislative Council and will be discussed at the Internal Affairs Panel on Friday, 20 July. The results of the review show that the performance of the FA has improved in various areas, but she expressed concern about individual problems, including the achievements of the Hong Kong team, the promotion of the Hong Kong Super League and communication with stakeholders. Respond and improve over the next two years.

The Hong Kong Football Association won the Asian Association Award for the development of the Asian Football Players Association

The Government allocated about 62 million dollars HK through the Home Affairs Office from 1 April 2015 to 28 February 2018. To implement the five-year strategic plan, the Football Committee of the Home Affairs Office has carried out a mid-term review of the "Five-Year Plan" in the second half of last year, in accordance with the financing agreement. In addition to reviewing the reports submitted by the FA, task force members also interviewed the board of directors, FAF-funded staff, and club representatives and put in place four highlights : coaches, players, fans, media and commentators. The group collects stakeholder views on FA performance and football development in Hong Kong and sends quizzes to footballers, coaches, golfers, managers and players of all levels to collect their coverage of the "Five-Year Plan". Comments

The Hong Kong Football Federation promotes the image of the performance of women's football

In addition to the members of the football group, the Bureau has different people to follow the news of the Hong Kong football community. After collecting opinions and organizing information, the working group reviewed the performance of the FA in various indicators and targets. The working group believes that the governance and management of AF is in line with the medium-term performance indicators: it has made good progress in promoting grbadroots and junior football, women's football and five-a-side football. There are good medium term developments in football facilities, but the document also mentions the scope of attention of the smaller members.

Hong Kong, the ranking of women and men in Hong Kong has not improved significantly over the past three years, there is still a section from the end of the "five-year plan" . Nothing indicates that the ranking of the Hong Kong team reaches the goal of the "five-year plan", namely that the men's team respectively won the 130th and 15th places of the FIFA and the Asian Football Association and the women's team of the International Football Association. The Asian Football Federation ranked respectively 50th and 10. The task force recommends that the FA review the reasons why it has not helped the Hong Kong team to improve its ranking and evaluate how to improve the performance of the men's and women's teams over the next two years. The task force also recommends that the FA monitor more closely the performance of the Hong Kong youth team and establish performance criteria. The task force also noted that the average number of visitors to the Hong Kong Super League is still 19% lower than the mid-term performance indicators of 1500. It is recommended that the Football Association review the effectiveness of its marketing strategy. It is recommended that the LCSD and Home Club of Hong Kong Super League discuss the implementation of appropriate measures to improve the atmosphere of the day. At the same time, the team also noted that there will be a balloon that will withdraw from the Hong Kong Super League or will not be promoted from Group A. It is recommended that the FA take action to enhance the attractiveness of the Super League. The working group believes that the AF should strengthen communication and contact with different stakeholders: for example, the lack of external participation in the formulation of football courses in Hong Kong is difficult to guarantee for clubs, coaches the players. The football theory proposed in the course also provoked dissatisfaction with the lack of communication with clubs and related parties in improving the league youth system. Many players in the football industry do not are not aware of the five-year plan of the FA. Regarding the progress made, the working group recommended that the AF revises its public relations strategy.

Liang Kongde will attend the information meeting of the meeting on Friday

The Working Group also noted that since the implementation of the "Five-Year Plan", the total income of the FA from sponsorship, Advertising and sales have not increased. Improve business revenues and set appropriate goals for the rest of the five-year plan. For the meeting on Friday, Mr. Chen Jizhi, Sports Commissioner Yang Deqiang, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Leung Kong-de, the Director of Government of Enterprise, Niu Qing and the members Li De-neng and Lei Xiongde Football Working Group will all be present.

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