Li Jiamin – World Cup that makes the wonder of the brand – Hong Kong Economic Times – Journal – Supplement


I still remember the last World Cup, the Uruguayan striker Suarez chased the Italian player Chiarini on the field to "win" a big battle, the stage, the amazed global fans. Until now, whenever Aso has appeared, the media will review the players that he has bitten over these years.

A man, like a vampire zombie, eats his fangs and bites another man in the world. Of course, there is no "Amazing Four Hundred Years". For the client Chiarini, look at his head. Tooth prints, there is only one shadow of "scary for many years".

However, this bite, global fans and netizens revel, laugh and talk, hitting the marks to take advantage of the situation, humorous situation, I call it "suck". For example, Snickers uploads chocolate photos to social networks and tells Suya: "Our chocolate should be more satisfying than the Italians." Coffee Coffee Day in India also said, "Our Italian (Italian coffee) should be good. Miso! The British butcher Mattessons publicly invited him to be a test eater in a newspaper ad, and he was able to transfer his "enthusiasm" to fresh meat. And my favorite is the printed advertisement of McDonald's in Uruguay: "Hi, Aso, if the college is hungry, it's better to bite a giant!" The teacher will smile.

Such a "one-dick-type", a rare encounter, add a hot conversation to the last world cup, can eat and live, of course, can engage in the atmosphere, but not a brand is catchy. These painful stickers marked at the time could seize the opportunity to sell: "Do not be afraid, I'm here, I'm going to sleep well tonight." So, the toothpaste brand should not miss the fangs of Azu at the time. However, lack is a lack, the brand only hopes that this year can create a stoned scene, not to watch the bite of mourning, but it is probably the last session of Mes and C Lang. At the World Cup, everyone looks at the two stars, how to compare skills, how to show the style and final style of the World Cup, and then clbadic images can be derived from interesting stories.

However, the event has been disappointing so far, so in addition to the sponsorship cooperation already booked, the brands are all calm and geese are flying.Because of this year's World Cup , many traditional first-clbad teams can not play the standard. Guan Meisi's performance really drove fans and brands away: "There's no more Russia" and the entire Argentinian team has not been awake from start to finish: the training, momentum and struggle are vague, scattered and ambiguous. Do you dare to believe that it was the last runner-up? In addition, the series of intensive characters in Simplified Chinese is on the side of the game. I've almost doubted for a moment: "Hey, am I playing in the middle of the game?"

Author: Li Jiamin

Column Name: tackling woman

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