Li Jiaxin: "There is no respect for women for men!" Her eight attitudes of love are worth learning for girls – Yahoo!


Recently, a set of "BB came" allowed Li Jiaxin (Ali) to join the house to further stabilize her goddess status. In reality, Li Jiaxin's boyfriend is Chen Bingyan, who is the animator of viuTV and the director of a production company. She insists on the role of a good girlfriend, and her eight loving attitudes are very positive, worth every girl to learn.

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " 1 Love does not need to flash " data-reactid = "52"> 1 . Love does not need to blink

The relationship of Ali and Chen Bingzhen with lovers is not a secret, but both choose a discreet treatment. Some couples like to give their happiness to the world during the honeymoon, so they can not help choosing to flash on the internet. And a group of lovers has been in love for many years, but has never seen a big flash on the personal social platform. Does not that mean enough love? There is no confidence in love at this stage. This is not the same thing, but many of them are gods and monks who admire each other, preferring to spend more time paying themselves one to the other than to spend more energy on the fb / IG. After all, the sweetness of you two, you do not have to rely on the number to prove.

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " 2 .Remove the door of the appearance of the pair " data-reactid = "74"> 2 . Put the face in the appearance of the pair

Some people say that Ali and his boyfriend are a combination of "beauty and the beast", this is really not worthy! Girls must be wondering all the time, what is the love you need? Is it a nice boyfriend who can get out of the street, or a partner who knows you and hurts you? Is it really important to look at the other half of your brand? Let's put aside the illusion of the first heart and we hear with some of the opposites that look less dazzling … Slowly, you can discover his personal charm!

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " 3 Giving a sense of security " data-reactid = "96"> 3 . Give the other a sense of security

Because of the beautiful appearance, it goes without saying that even if Ali has a boyfriend, it is inevitable to attract a lot of crazy bees. But Ali's approach is to maintain a proper distance with the opposite bad, never to gossip, the daily life is very healthy, occasionally to go out and go out with a good coffee. She rarely has a close relationship with male artists, but the most is to mingle with a group of female artists. Deliberate rumors about the practice of insulators, it is obvious to rebadure my boyfriend.

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " 4 Do not give up dreams " data-reactid = "120"> 4 . Do not give up dreams

After many girls have fallen in love, they suddenly have more enthusiasm for their careers and forget even the dreams that they wanted to pursue, finally they find that life seems to be surrounded by boyfriends The pursuit of life. In fact, it is a very dangerous practice, girls may want to look at Ali 's attitude of love. After being dragged, she pursued her actress dreams, even after having a boyfriend, she seemed more motivated and after her quiet work, she became a heroine.

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " 5 Learn from one another and progress together " data-reactid = "142"> 5 . Learning from each other and progressing together

Chen Bingyan has been teaching since 2007 and is able to go backstage. In the field of action, he taught Ali a lot of knowledge, and both drama often studied. As the saying goes, looking for the other half does not need to find a perfect person, to find someone who is with him, you become better and live a happier life. If a girl can learn a lot from the body of the man, it is a very ideal relationship, and I might as well express my gratitude to the other party.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " 6 Learn to escorting each other "data-reactid =" 144 "> 6 . Learn to escort one another

Ali and his boyfriend have always been a dull couple in love, walking down the street, eating mountains, watching the sunset is what they do often. The report slammed the woman once, and Ali replied, "As long as both feel happy, comfortable and communicated when they interact, there is no female esteem." In addition, the boyfriend has a lot of backstage, and there is no match behind the scenes. Indeed, the recent realization of the new series by my boyfriend was very motivated. A relationship may not be blessed by everyone, and sometimes it is not even optimistic about parents. In this case, try to talk more to your boyfriend and strengthen your relationship.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " 7 The compromise can be synchronized "data-reactid =" 146 "> 7 . Compromise can be synchronized

Ali is very clear about the steps of love, in the name of the stability of the relationship before the boyfriend to see the parents, and further marriage of cohabitation lawsuits. Girls must learn to communicate with each other in a sincere way. For example, if the request for cohabitation from the other party is too fast, you can confess your concerns and not make a decision against the other party.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " 8 Not based on the age "data-reactid =" 148 "> 8 . This is not the age limit

Ali, who is 36 years old at the end of this year, will never have the intention to get married and to have children because of his age. When this company is full of Chinese women to find someone to "pay the bill" as soon as possible, Ali chose to follow his own pace. Girls must believe that every woman's pursuit of happiness is different. Do not marry an unsuitable person by catching up with the age of marriage. This kind of marriage is sadder than singles!

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Li Jiaxin: "There is no respected male woman!" His eight attitudes of love are worth learning for girls

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