Li Keqiang said that three of the Chinese economy will not change – News – Global IC Trade Starts.


Li Keqiang said that three of the Chinese economies would not change

7/7/2018 18:57
Prime Minister Li Keqiang in Bulgaria, attending the 8th China-Asia Economic and Trade Forum of China East, pointed out that it would be a long time. The Chinese economy has "three will not change", including the long-term fundamentals of the economy, the direction of market-oriented reforms and the willingness to expand the market. ;opening.
Li Keqiang said that the Chinese economy has remained stable this year. In the first quarter, gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 6.8% over the same period last year. The Chinese economy is accelerating its transition to high quality development and can maintain a stable and good development trend. The Chinese government will continue to deepen its overall development. Reform, strengthen the protection of intellectual property and market governance.
He added that China has recently announced that the expansion of the opening measures, based on its own development needs, will not change due to external factors. The countries of the world, including the countries of central and eastern Europe, have brought enormous market opportunities.
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