Li Mingzhe's case has caused a cooling of relations between the two sides of the strait – Voice of America Chinese (VOA)

The case of Li Mingzhe caused a new cooling of relations between the two strands of the Strait. Voice of America Chinese (VOA)

China warned Wednesday Taiwan that it should not use the case of Taiwanese human rights activist Li Mingzhe to attack the mainland. Chinese Foreign Affairs Bureau spokesman An Fengshan said at a press conference on Wednesday (September 13th) that the Li Mingzhe case will be used for the purpose political operations, affecting and vilifying the Chinese government's attempts to deal with business and attacking the continent's politics and legal system, was futile. China warned Wednesday Taiwan that it should not use the case of Taiwanese human rights activist Li Mingzhe to attack the mainland. Chinese Foreign Affairs Bureau spokesman An Fengshan said at a press conference on Wednesday (September 13th) that the Li Mingzhe case will be used for the purpose political operations, affecting and vilifying the Chinese government's attempts to deal with business and attacking the continent's politics and legal system, was futile. Taiwan human rights activist Li Mingzhe appeared in Hunan District Court, China, on September 11. He was accused of subverting state power, and the affair was likely to aggravate the already tense relations between Beijing and Taiwan. Taiwanese citizen Li Mingzhe and the trial of a Chinese defendant on Monday reminded the Taiwanese people that the political system on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is deeply divided. Both defendants were accused of subverting state power because they had promoted the multi-party democracy movement in China. Li Mingzhe can be sentenced to 10 years in prison. Li Xianrong, a professor of political science at Evergreen University in Taiwan, said that Taiwan has been practicing democracy for some time, but that Taiwanese can not imagine that an innocent person traveling to China will be arrested. The case of Li Mingzhe also led the outside world to think that it was about China expressing dissatisfaction with the Taipei government. Li Mingzhe, 42, graduated from the Department of Philosophy and worked for the ruling Progressive Democratic Party in Taiwan. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has refused to accept the idea that both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to the same country, but he has always avoided specific actions that could irritate China. Denny Roy, senior researcher at the East-West Research Center in Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, believes that Beijing has shown that China is not satisfied with Taiwan and that it can be returned to Taiwan from different ways …

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