Liang Junyan: Improvement of administrative and legislative relations


The results of the annual meeting exceeded double

Liang Junyan: Improvement of administrative and legislative relations

[Hong Kong Commercial News] Reportage of reporter Lin Junqiang: The last meeting of the Legislative Council this year was the day before (July 12) Finished. Legislative Council Chairman Liang Junyan told a press conference yesterday that 42 Legislative Council meetings had been held this year and 27 bills had been pbaded, more than double the 12 the year before. He recognizes that relations between the executive and the legislature have improved this year and that the Executive Director, Ms. Carrie Lam, has done a lot of work, including the new "short question and short answer" question from this year. He stressed that he presided over the "Rules of Procedure" and the Basic Law All decisions are "reasonable" It does not bother them to become "sandbags" or "ventilation bags", the most important is to do good work in parliament and help Hong Kong. People do things.

The number of people was wasted 222 times 39 hours

Legislative Council Chairman Liang Junyan held a press conference this year in the Legislative Council. He recalled that there were 42 Legislative Council meetings in 2017-2018, with a total time of about 520 hours. The 42 meetings included 4 question and answer sessions and 7 new appointments for the Chief Executive in the form of a "short question and a short answer" for the year. At the 11th meeting, the Director General responded to a total of 139 questions raised by members. As for this year, the number of members requesting an algorithm is 222, which takes 39 hours of meeting time. There were two adjournments due to an insufficient quorum and about 15 hours of meeting time wasted.

This year, the government introduced a total of 23 bills, and this year the Legislative Council pbaded a total of 27 bills, more than double the 12 articles of the previous year. Of the 27 bills, 16 were approved and 11 pbaded without amendment, including the longest-reviewed 2018 finance bill, and more controversial bills such as the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Express Rail Link. Hong Kong. Two inspections) Bill and the bill (amendment) of the stamp 2017.

Liang Junyan also acknowledges that the administrative and legislative relations of this year have improved and hopes that the situation can continue. He said that as long as everyone works together, no matter how difficult the situation. He pointed out that the head of the executive, Ms. Carrie Lam, did a lot of work: in addition to having the secretary personally lobby MPs, he also attended seven meetings of Interrogation of the Legislative Council. He recalled that in the past, when the head of the executive attended the Legislative Council meeting, opposition members refused to stand up or slogans, but most members of the Democratic Party are raised to greet the chief of the executive. Therefore, he believes that Lin Zhengyue is respected by some of the members who have reconquered.

I do not mind becoming a sandbag or a gas bag

The last meeting of the year was completed the day before the Legislative Council and the motion of censure of the opposition against the President of the Legislative Council was rejected. Liang Junyan said that although he had not chaired the meeting the previous day, he paid attention to the relevant situation and listened carefully and respected the different opinions. He said that he had always "talked to the opposition," but when the parliament seems arrogant, he may have different performances. He said that even if it is a "sandbag" or a "ventilation bag", there is no problem, the most important being to do a good job in parliament and d & # 39; To help Hong Kong people do things. He also stressed that the parliament should work smoothly and require the cooperation of all members. It is a metaphor to say that different parties and the same parliament are like the whole of Chinese and Western music, and they can all play good music.

Acting under the Regulations and the Basic Law

Liang Junyan baderted that it is very simple to be the Speaker of the Legislative Council, acting in accordance with the Rules and the Basic Law. He smiled and said, "There are a lot of ropes attached to his neck." What you can do and what you can not do must be done according to the rules above. He also stated that the presidency of the Legislative Council depends on the rules, that its power stems from the Basic Law, that "the use of power is correct" and that it is well founded. He also reminded legal circles of opposition political parties that they should look into the case of the Court of Final Appeal sooner. He said in a light manner: "If (they) really blows the" black whistle ", there will be a judicial review."

When the Legislative Council dealt with the "place and two inspections" of the high-speed train earlier. . When asked if the future Legislative Council would deal with this issue again, he said that he had decided to decide a limited debate in time to see if he there was urgency. He said this moment can not be affirmed and will be dealt with according to the bill and the objective conditions at the time. He refused to evaluate his performance and only said that "the fair is self-sufficient". The Legislative Council meeting will resume on October 10 this year.

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