Liaoning's hull is rusted in the deep maintenance dock | aircraft carrier | maintenance


[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, Juillet 12, 2018] Recently, the Chinese Communist Party's first aircraft carrier, Liaoning, drove into the dock for maintenance. Lu Media said the rust shell of Liaoning needed in-depth maintenance. Earlier, a senior military researcher revealed that the Liaoning aircraft carrier had at least three fatal flaws, and it was still far from the true combat capability.

On July 12, Lu Media reported that the Chinese Liaoning aircraft carrier was docked at the shipyard dock for several days before going to the dock for maintenance on the 10th. The report states that the rust shell of Liaoning needs a deep maintenance. At present, construction vehicles and staff have been on the ship, and container houses have been built on deck, indicating that a higher level of maintenance is necessary.

It can be seen in the photos that the Liaoning water painting has been peeled off and some hulls are rusty. The report stated that the repairs included the troubleshooting of various systems and equipment, the removal of bottom props, the rust removal and repainting of rust-proof paint and the maintenance of bridges and islets. On July 7, when Liaoning arrived in Hong Kong, Huang Dong, president of the Macau International Military Association, told the Hong Kong media that when the aircraft carrier entered Hong Kong, he found the red rust paint under the waterline of Liaoning. Part of the falling and rusting paint is pretty obvious.

Huang Dong said such details show that the maintenance of this aircraft carrier "is really a bit like that", and "the details determine success or failure!" At the same time, the advanced navy is still far away.

The Liaoning aircraft carrier, the first Chinese Communist Navy aircraft carrier, was built from the unfinished Ukrainian aircraft carrier Varyag of the Soviet Union.

In 2012, Liaoning was put into operation, but the speed of Liaoning ship was seriously delayed, the aircraft carrier was difficult to take off, the steel performance was hidden and he has not been able to cope with this fierce battle.

The Pentagon once said in the 2015 CPC military report that, after Liaoning and its fighters have been fully operational, it is still difficult to have long-range combat capabilities. Due to its small size, Liaoning Province can only provide air defense between the Fleet Zone and the Fleet and the Near Coast. It is difficult to compare with the US Aircraft Cargo Strike Group. of the Nimitz clbad.

Huang Dong, president of the Macau International Military Association, also revealed that the aircraft carrier Liaoning had at least three fatal flaws, which made it impossible to form a real combat power for a long period.

First, the life of the hull itself was more than half. Its lifespan is 50 years and it's been almost 30 years now. Although he only served for a few years and did not train combat effectiveness, his life expectancy has been considerably reduced and it will be difficult to sustain him for 30 years. Furthermore.

Secondly, the hull has a very high risk of cracking. The Liaoning No. uses two steel plates of different materials from China and Russia, and there is a risk of berthing, the ship is in danger.

Third, the carrier aircraft can not train combat effectiveness. The des 15 fighter technology is not enough: it is impossible to properly equip the Liaoning aircraft carrier for a long time and even kill the new pilot, making the ship's aircraft difficult to integrate and resulting in the hind legs of all the fighting power of the ship. Last January, when the aircraft carrier Liaoning bypbaded the eastern seas of Taiwan, the Taiwanese military does not have the night combat capability, limited mobility, limited oil bombs, cracking of the airplanes. steel and structure. Reasonable, lack of supply time and six other weaknesses.

The external evaluation, because the aircraft carrier Liaoning itself has many fatal flaws, it is still far from the real training of combat effectiveness.

(Reporter Li Wei Report / Editor: Zhao Yun)

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