Macao investigates the explosion of the black sand ring restaurant it's illegal to investigate liability – News – Global IC Trade News


Macau investigation of the restaurant explosion of the black sand ring if it is illegal to investigate the responsibility

4/7/2018 15:18 [19659003] A restaurant in the black sand ring of Macao exploded, causing 1 death and 6 wounded, the fire is initially considered LPG leak, causing an explosion
The incident occurred Last night, a food store in Baili's new village, Heisha, exploded, causing loud noises, scattered debris and broken glbad on the road, restaurants and connected buildings. The lobby was severely damaged. , a 34-year-old woman was crushed by the collapsed wall, her internal organs were badly damaged and many severe fractures were found, she was found dead and among the 6 wounded, 2 men and 1 woman were seriously injured .
The explosion was powerful and more than 10 motorcycles and 3 cars parked near the restaurant were affected.Firefighters found 4 cans of LPG in the restaurant, and the quantity met the requirements of the law.
Macao Chang Huang Shaoze said that the accident suspected that the bad operation caused by the change in LPG had caused air leaks, and that the public security police would submit a report to the Procuratorate: A once a person would be suspected of breaking the law,
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