[Marié après 30 ans] Lin Zuo is the third boyfriend Mai Mingshi chooses his boyfriend to focus on the content (19:26) – 20180714 – Entertainment – Instant News


[Aujourd'hui direct 撃] Mai Mingshi and Zhang Jicong attended the cartoon character event today, and the two interacted on the spot with a gentleman. Mai Mingshi said that when she was a child, her mother instilled her knowledge of the boy: "I want to choose a boy as honest and honest as my father, I told him not to take it too early, I had only 17 years old and i was the first. (Does he still know a connotation?) I obviously have a connotation I do not have a boyfriend now, I'm actively looking for him.

Mai Mingshi, 26, smiled and said that her cousin had been married earlier and told her, I want to throw her the flower ball, she said, "I want to steal and bury the wall, the flower ball bounces and catches it. (hate hate to get married?) all hate to get married, this is the stage of life, i also want to experience it. do not marry me too soon and will not marry me, I want to play again, I'm getting married in my thirties. "

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(instant entertainment)

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