Martians were at the origin of the prophets The confession is not terrible – Yahoo News


Next Friday (27) will usher in a rare rush to Mars, for fans of astronomy, it is certainly not to be missed, the opportunity to observe Mars at the & # 39; Naked eye. Since ancient times, Mars has been called elusive because of its position and luminosity, and the name of Mars in Greek and Roman mythology comes from God of War. Perhaps because of its powerful energy, the ancient astronomers have always been uncomfortable to see Mars, especially when it comes to ignorance and sadness, c & # 39; is a night of impatience.

Mars Rush refers to when the Sun, Earth and Mars are aligned, and Mars and Earth are closest. I have not seen this year, I have to wait until 2035. Whether it is an astronomy fan or not, you can find the best position of observation.

Mars is considered sinister and is considered a monster. "Su Shen Ji" tells a story that in the early days of the founding of Wu's kingdom, soldiers guarding the border did not flee, leaving their wives and children hostage in the capital. Everyone is familiar enough. One day, everyone played games, ran and jumped as usual, and suddenly there was a child who was six or seven years old and four feet tall and dressed in blue.

The children were surprised and asked who he was? The kid in blue clothes said, "I see everyone having a good time, come on." But when you look closer, the eyes of the blue-eyed children shine, as if they were going to throw flames. "Where do you come from?" He said, "Are you afraid of me, I'm not a human being, it's an illusion, come here to tell everyone that the Three Kingdoms will eventually return to Sima. "

The statement horrified children and rushed to find adults. Unexpectedly, when the adults arrived, the children in the blue clothes said handsomely: "Everyone" slammed into the sky and turned into a white cloth. Everyone looked up and saw the white cloth dragging the long tail. He disappeared in a moment.

Four years later, the country is destroyed and, six years later, the country defender gives way to the throne and twenty-one years later, Wu s' installs. Everything is like the child who claimed to be a star of the Phoenix, the three countries will eventually be Sima. From the current point of view, Yingyingxing looks more like a pbading prophet, giving you a little hint, but people can not afford it.

Fiction or Gongdou, once the official who observes astrology reports that "the illusion is punctual", it means that someone must have lunch (of course not the box to lunch!) Yingxiangzhixin refers to astrology that confuses the heart. The heart of the heart, the heart, the heart, the heart, and the structure of five purple stars are similar, corresponding to the prince, the emperor, and the scorpion. It is difficult to predict the direction in which the confession comes to the heart: if you go backwards, you will be considered a symbol of "the emperor is easy to govern and the Lord goes to his palace". The most famous example is the emperor of the Western Han Dynasty and the second year.The officials in charge of the astronomical calendar reported that they were obsessed with confession. Han Chengdi gave poisoned wine to the prime minister. A few days after the death of the prime minister, Han Chengdi suddenly became violent, and Wang Hao was called the emperor.

After many experts and scholars, the old Chinese documents of confession and conscience are not accurate, more than half of the errors are negligible, which does not allow to judge the emergence of the Chinese. illusions and defenses. Change However, such an allusion is used in the creation, but it can change the plot, and it is no wonder that the creator uses it as much.

You can see the rush to Mars.You can look at the sky in the southeast next Friday 27. If you want to see more clearly, it is better to prepare a large astronomical telescope. . Choose. Happy Friday night, in addition to eating a big meal, watching movies, and more the limited period of observation of the stars can choose 啰 ~

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