Megan has become the Royal Queen of the Royal Family 72% of Britons Hope She Will – Zhongshi News


The American actress Megan rides since her wedding with the British royal family in May. According to recent polls, more than 80% of Britons recognize that Prince Harry and his marriage are not only good for the UK, but also for the image of the UK on the world stage.

According to "Hello!" According to a survey conducted by more than 4,000 people on the website of Hello! Magazine, 78% of Britons agree that Megan's marriage with Harry has significantly increased the popularity

In addition, 72% of those surveyed hope that the young couple will be able to quickly give birth to a child and make a family wish.More than 70% of those surveyed said that Megan was a role model. strong feminine, which proved that it was in fact a brilliant light for young women.

And the public's enthusiasm for it is fully reflected in the bright yellow shoulder dress that she wore last week.

No matter the occasion, Megan's dress is widely recognized by fans of the royal family: 65% of those surveyed think that she is a new idol of royal fashion.

On the other hand, 78% of people believe that Megan is proud of her mixed background and has increased the diversity of British royal fans.


Source of article: Meghan Markle is a ray of light for the royal family, exclusive survey finds

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