Microsoft has briefly overtaken Apple to become the most valuable company in the world in terms of market value


Although the market value does not represent the current financial position of the company, its profitability and its market share, it symbolizes the evolution of the wealth and strategic direction of the company. For the precarious Apple, the current situation seems to have declared that the phase of almost crazy growth of the company was over. Like the tariff rumors mentioned at the beginning, some important market factors have a significant negative impact on Apple, and their market value has dropped from one trillion dollars this summer to 80 million today. In addition, facing the smartphone market more and more saturated, Apple is trying to stabilize its profitability by improving the unit price of the iPhone (rather than high sales). However, according to recent observations, this may not be enough to reach the level expected by badysts. At the same time, Apple is gradually increasing its dependence on products such as Apple Music and products such as Apple Watch that can be used with the iPhone.

On the other hand, after a continuous adjustment of its strategy, Microsoft has revealed its rise. For example, although the PC market is still struggling, Microsoft is not as dependent on Windows as in 2010. Seeing that cloud services such as Azure and Office 365 are in full swing and that the Games sector continues to grow, Microsoft seems to have learned from previous lessons, knowing that companies must judge the direction of the market and bet on development areas. Perhaps for this reason, Microsoft can continue to gain favor with investments.

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