Miserable, the Pakistani election rally shocked nearly 300 victims | Pakistan | Taliban


[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, le 14 juillet 2018] Pakistan is on the verge of holding a national election on the 25th, and a serious suicide-type attack will occur again on Friday (13th). An badailant blew up a bomb at an election rally in the southwest, killing at least 128 people, including a provincial council candidate. More than 150 others were injured. The Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the attack, but the police could not confirm the authenticity of the statement.

Senior police officer Kim. Qaim Lashari said earlier that more than 1,000 people attended the rally in Mastung, Baluchistan province, where the violence was endemic.

Witnesses said that when a candidate from a regional party was preparing to talk to thousands of supporters, the attackers blew up the bombs attached to them.

From the video on the stage, the host just finished the slogan, the mbades are not yet at home, and the powerful explosion will come and the photo will end. The death toll from the attack rose to 128 and more than 150 were injured.

After the blast, local journalist Attah Ullah said, "There are bodies and corpses all over the building, the scene is bloody, the wounded are crying and are afraid to be overwhelmed. " [19659003PoliticalworkerSalamBalochadeclaredtohaveheard"adizzyingexplosion"andtohaveseen"alargegroupofgreatandflames""Thegens'vehelpedwiththebodyworkandinjuriesonthetricyclesandothervehiclesandhavebeenpreferredtothehospitalaftertheresponsibleridershavearrived"

The paramedics also transported the patients in ambulances. I can hear the spectators crying.

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Islamic militants linked to the Taliban, al Qaeda and the Islamic State operate in the border province of Iran and Afghanistan. He also has a rebellious rebellion of the indigenous people against the central government.

The Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the attack and the organization provided no further details or evidence. The police are currently unable to confirm the authenticity of this statement.

Among those killed in the attack was Balochistan Silai's candidate. Siraj Raisani, his brother Nawab. Aslam. Nawab Aslam Raisani was chief minister of the province from 2008 to 2013.

Pakistan has another suicide bombing Friday (13th). Another brother, Haji, who is also a member of the Baluchistan National Assembly. Aslam. Haji Lashkari Raisani said: "My brother Siraj Raisani was killed."

Resani is the second candidate to be killed this week in pre-election violence.

The bombing was also the deadliest attack in Pakistan in more than three years and was the second election-related violence that occurred that day.

Hours before the explosion, a national parliament candidate, Akram Durani, had just escaped an attack at a rally in his hometown of Banu.

Police and witnesses testified that when Durani was driving in a vehicle under escort protection, a remote-controlled bomb attached to a moored motorcycle exploded. The attack left four dead and nearly 40 wounded. However, Durani escaped without any harm. Durani is an important leader of a large regional political party.

Three days before the attack (July 10), a suicide bomber killed 21 people at an anti-Taliban rally in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in northern Pakistan. The people, the victims include Haruen who hopes to win the provincial seat in July. Haroon Bilour. The organization of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.

In May this year, Pakistani President Hussein approved the documents submitted by the Electoral Commission and decided to hold the July 25 legislative elections, creating a new ruling party or coalition in power. Government.

The polling day of the Pakistani National Assembly and the four provincial councils is coming, and Friday's deadly attacks have raised security concerns about elections nationwide.

Pakistan has another suicide bombing Friday (13th). (BANARAS KHAN / AFP / Getty Images)

The suicide bombing of Pakistan took place again on Friday (13th). (BANARAS KHAN / AFP / Getty Images)

A suicide bombing occurred again on Friday 13th in Pakistan. (1945)

A suicide bombing occurred again on Friday 13th in Pakistan. (BANARAS KHAN / AFP / Getty Images)

A suicide bombing occurred again on Friday 13th in Pakistan. (BANARAS KHAN / AFP / Getty Images)

A suicide bombing occurred again on Friday 13 in Pakistan. (BANARAS KHAN / AFP / Getty Images)

In addition, former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his trial in absentia for corruption, and his daughter Marianne Sharif (Maria) Sharif was also sentenced to seven years in prison. In this regard, "International News" estimates that over the past 40 years, Xia Lifu is undoubtedly a key figure in the Pakistani political circle, and the court's decision against her could trigger tensions in Pakistan .

Xia Lifu and her daughter Marianne were arrested after returning to Lahore airport on Friday night and were sent to Rawalpindi Prison. More than 10,000 people at the airport supported Sharif.

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(Reporter Li Hong Report / Editor: Cheng Yiren)

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