Miss Macau, 21, female model, enters the film to reject this pointless entertainment


2018/07/10 07:22

The 21-year-old actress Mai Jiaxin is the current Miss Macau. (Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily)

[Reporter Lin Nangu / rapport complet] Mai Jiaxin, a 21-year-old actress, became the model of the stretching platform and became Miss Macao last year, she is about to leave the ambbadador. But she likes feathers and refuses to accept the intimate game. Mai Jiaxin will leave Macau next month, she said that she did not give up when she organized the Hong Kong Ribbon event, she looks forward to the emergence of the new Miss Macau, when she can share her precious experience with her. Mai Jiaxin is a model since the age of 6 and has presided over the Hong Kong cable television tour "Happy Earth", which is closely related to Hong Kong's entertainment industry.

After Miss Macau's withdrawal, Mai Jiaxin revealed that she had had the opportunity to participate in a film in Hong Kong and the media asked her if she could accept the intimate goal . Mai Jiaxin directly said that "this is not allowed at this stage" because it is still young and there are possibilities of temperament in the future, while not excluding the development of singing.

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