New Higher Education Group (2001) co-organizes Gansu College and adds an undergraduate education network – Economic Express ET Net


09/07/2018 10:45

The New Higher Education Group (2001) co-organized Gansu College and added a network of undergraduate schools

"Economic News Agency 9th News "The new China Higher Education Group (02001) announced The Beijing Ainsheng Education
investment company of the group has entered into a cooperation agreement with the University of Technology of Lanzhou, and Beiai company will apply to become the joint organizer of the Gansu College School.
The new higher education group planned to build a school in the northwest, but the group found Gansu College, more suitable for cooperation in Gansu Province. New campus Gansu College is a higher education institution that can issue bachelor's degree certificates for undergraduate students
.The number of students per academic year is about 8,000. By report to the new Academy of Sciences Group
in Gansu Province, it takes a lot of time and investment to get the qualification for obtaining an undergraduate certificate, this cooperation is the most profitable and the most effective. Way.
At the same time, the Lanzhou University of Technology will provide intangible badets, including the name of its school and its educational resources, while Beiai will provide the necessary funds and rights of use of the ground for the construction of the new school
. New construction and operation of the campus. After the completion of the cooperative construction project
the operation of Gansu College is only under the responsibility of the new group of higher education.
Li Xiaoxuan, chairman of the board of directors of New Higher Education Group, said that through the brand and educational resources of the Lanzhou University of Technology, the Group's reputation
in Gansu province can be fully disseminated. In addition, the enrollment rate in Gansu Province is lower than in other Chinese provinces, and Gansu College would have great potential to increase the number of students
and bring a greater market share to the Group. (cl)

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