"New information on the stock" Yiju (02048) dark price fell 4.7-5.4% of a more engraved hand 156 yuan | AIMPACT before


E-House China (02048), the Chinese provider of real estate transaction services, will be quoted early in the morning, on the eve of listing, its price will rise first, then fall, with a maximum of 156 yuan.

According to Phillips trade data, China's Yiju black market opened at 14.5 yuan, up 0.83% from the supply price of 14.38 yuan, and fell to 13.6 yuan, down 5.42%. 13.9 yuan, down 3.34%, 300 shares per share, excluding handling fees, 144 yuan per hand. As for the Yaocai New Shares Trading Center, the shadow price of Yiju China reached 14.52 yuan, up 0.97% over the supply price, then fell 13.7 yuan, down 4 , 73% to close at 13.86 yuan, down 3.62%. 300 shares, excluding application fees, 156 yuan on the one hand. (BC)

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