[New Share Tracking] Civil engineering subcontractor Guangjun intends to be listed on the market – website ej website hkej.com


The civil engineering subcontractor Guangjun Group requested the registration of the GEM.

According to the preliminary prospectus, the Group primarily maintains road and highway infrastructure in Hong Kong and is mainly concentrated in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, including drainage systems, hydraulic structures and barrier-free facilities.

At the end of March this year, the group's annual profit was 6.854 million yuan, down 58.35 percent year-on-year, with revenue of 91.764 million yuan, up 24 percent from the previous year. , 73% over one year.

Guangjun intends to use the proceeds of fundraising to buy additional machinery and equipment, strengthen the workforce and working capital general.

The exclusive sponsor is Pulse Capital.

For more information on IPO and fund-raising data badysis, please visit the new Hong Kong Stocks 360 IPO page.

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