New York transmitter tells Trump: Attacking the media is dangerous and harmful – Central Radio Station – Radio Taiwan International


  The New York Emitter Confessed Trump: Attacking the Media is Dangerous and Harmful
US President Donald Trump (AFP)

The New York Times Emitter, AG Sulzberger, S & H Recently returned to the White House to meet with President Trump, during which he reminded Trump that he was developing Media attacks are "inducements" and "dangerous and harmful to our country".

Trump sent a tweet on the 29th to expose him to meet the New York Times' Sasberg broadcaster, and both were only exposed on the 20th of this month.

Trump sent a tweet saying, "The White House and Sasberg sender of the New York Times had good and interesting discussions."

AFP reported that this meeting was a request from the White House, routine discussions that are understandable.

Sasberg said in a New York Times statement that President Trump's tweet revealed the talks of two people and "was recording the talks," which he described as unusual with President Trump. Difficult and direct discussions

Sasberg said, "I appeal directly to the president, I think his speech creates not only divisions, but also more and more dangerous."

Sasberg said: "I told him that although" false news "The word is fake and harmful, but I am more concerned that he calls the journalist" the enemy of the people. " reminds him that this inflammatory statement fuels the threat to journalists and will lead to violent incidents. "19659003] Sasberg said in his conclusion:" I begged him to rethink his widespread attack on the media because I believe that it's dangerous and harmful to our country. "

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