Not Li Zhongshuo! Han Xiaozhou blast the appointment Jiang Dongyuan – China Times News


Some netizens announced that they had met Han Xiaozhou and Jiang Dongyuan in Los Angeles last month. (Figure / rocker eating daily newspaper microblogging melon goose)

Korean actress Han Xiaozhou of 31 years old is sweet and capricious, and played many well-known Korean dramas "The Splendid Legacy", "Tong Yi", "W La Rumor has it that she is the "goddess" of many people's hearts, she was recently informed by netizens that she was dating a male god, Jiang Dongyuan, in Los Angeles, and that she was not the only one. she even started a lively discussion on the microblogging.

Some Internet users recently took pictures of Jiang Dongyuan and Han Xiaozhou on Weibo PO They said they met two people in Los Angeles a month ago, they only saw that they were all dressed lightly and wore hats. "The surfer also revealed that both had no relevant trip to LA at the time, guessing if both were in contact

Before Han Xiaozhou and Li Zhong shuo play in "W-Two Worlds", both people were very sweet and loving, no matter the drama or the private interaction, and they also won the MBC Best Couple Award. Do, now the person around the goddess is not Li Zhongshuo, so many fans are really a pity.

Jiang Dongyuan debuted for 15 years, his style is unobtrusive and rarely spilled, his works are based on large screens, his appearance is beautiful and his acting skills are exquisite, he is also a "star" "in South Korea. "Property", before he cooperates with Han Xiaozhou, "The Man at the Escape of Men", this second cooperative film "Human Wolf" will be released at the end of this month, both people suddenly burst the news of love, but also expect the goddess and the goddess have triggered.


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