[Nouveau suivi des actions] Zhengba Group filed an application for registration on the main draw – Xinhui Website hkej.com


The Zheng Ba Group, founded by Liao Baoshan and Liao Weilin and carrying on business activities in Hong Kong, submitted an application for listing on the Main Board on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

According to preliminary documents of IPO, Zhengba Group's revenue in 2016, 2017 and 2018 were respectively 274 million, 284 million and 376 million yuan and rental income respectively of 130.23 million, 16.326 million and 14.865 million. 10,000, 11.92 million and 270.44 million yuan.

At the end of May this year, the company holds 8 properties and the 30th floor of the cable TV building and the 3rd floor of the Chengxin building, completing the acquisition after the end of May with a total market value of 992 million yuan.

The proceeds from the company's fundraising will be used to acquire new properties, including offices and retail stores, expand sales and marketing functions, expand human resources and provide general working capital.

The sponsor is a substantial funding.

For more information on IPO and fund-raising data badysis, please visit the new Hong Kong Stocks 360 IPO page.

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