[Nouvelles interdites] "The spirit of the boxer" comes back? China now boycotts voice | The Sino-US trade war | High-tech New Tang Dynasty TV


[New Dynastie Tang, 15 juillet 2018] The Boxer rebellion that took place in the last years of the Qing Dynasty was synonymous with Gan Dang Qingting's ignorance and cannon fodder in the eyes of many scholars. Although there have been votes in recent years, the "Boxer Spirit" has come to life in China, but there has also been a boycott in China.

There is more and more talk in China about boycotting the "Boxer Spirit" and recently re-enumerated in the media.

Liu Yadong, editor-in-chief of China (Science and Technology Daily), bluntly stated in his speech in June of this year that "my country" also has no bad places, and is even subject to people. He bombed public opinion and exaggerated China's achievements: the so-called "four major new inventions" in China have completely overtaken the arguments of the United States and others and have "messed up" the public.

Another is Li Xiao, Dean of the Faculty of Finance of Jilin University, which is the network that shines, at the graduation ceremony of the school.

He badyzed the Sino-US trade war and said: "Now, I dare not say that it is the most dangerous moment, but it can be said that the Chinese nation has reached a new dangerous time. "

He also questioned: "In the current Sino-US trade war, some researchers have suggested that we do all we can at all costs: an unbelievable formulation … In the […] era of economic globalization, what is it? The era before reform and opening? "

Former citizen reporter Liu Xuehong (4 June): "Since China is now in the last dangerous moment: China's high technology is a case of theft, they are fleeing all the domestic workers and will deceive the international community."

Li Yi, Hong Kong journalist, wrote in an article (Apple Daily): "At any price", it is the spirit of the Boxer, blind patriotism and nationality.The four new main inventions are the Yihetuan of knowledge: the districts of Belt and Road, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan are just political groups: "The Chinese nation is in a new danger "is not in the invasion or sanction of external forces. .

Sheng Xue, a Chinese writer from China and Canada, said that Yihetuan in history was stupid, wild, candid and cruel. This civil power was used by the corrupt Qing government at the time to deal with the West. The CCP of today also wants to be like the Qing government of the year, then a boxer movement that can be completely manipulated and driven by them. Sheng Jia, a Chinese writer of the Brigade, said: "But they are very scared because after the Boxer movement, it is even harder to manipulate in modern society, because under the Qing dynasty, it is more difficult to manipulate it. was a traditional social environment Modern means and even weapons Today, at this stage, the CCP wants to continue to drive and use people out of ignorance, but it fears that this fire can not control and burn them on their heads. "

Sheng Xue, for example, There are a number of anti-Japanese people in China. If necessary, the CCP will encourage them to go against Japan and help the CCP get rid of its own difficulties. But when the situation happens, the CCP will reverse it to remove them. Therefore, today the CCP has a contradictory mentality towards this Boxer spirit.

The latest data show that in the Sino-US trade war atmosphere, US car sales in China have fallen. There is speculation that it is China's refusal to buy US fermentation products.

And in 2012, the anti-Japanese parade in China, the boycott of the Lotte supermarket in Korea in 2017, also let suspect some spirits, the Yihetuan team came back, and revived after more than a hundred years.

But Sheng Xue believes that the Boxer 's spirit has never vanished in China.

Sheng Xue: "It's just that the authorities have not used this group of people under certain reigns: for example, when the CCP decided to reform and open its economy, The group was also repressed in society, but in recent years this phenomenon has been particularly exacerbated, including those singing red songs and dancing in red, putting on uniforms. Red Army and parade through the streets.Cannon flesh, and these people are likely to become a huge obstacle on the road to the democratic and liberal human rights of China. "

However, some people have a clear understanding of this and do not want to be cannon fodder.

Liu Xuehong: "I think we have been brainwashed since childhood, CCP people, the dedication, the kind of fake, then they are corrupt themselves They are all fraudulent.The people are slaves and arbitrarily mbadacred.The Chinese people have always been fooled by them. "

Former citizen reporter Liu Xuehong (June 4) said that he likes China as a homeland but that it does not like the CCP. This part must be reversed and eradicated.

Interview / Chen Han Publisher / Wang Ziqi Post System / Zhong Yuan

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