Often colds, allergies, do not worry, seize the physics of Chinese medicine of three volts | Central News Platform


often have cold allergies, do not worry about grasping triple Chinese traditional physical medicine

(central news service 2018017 16:23:56) is today the 'first' of the summer, but also the first day of Chinese medicine Parents of allergic children seeking treatment, as well as elderly patients who have been applying for many years to effectively improve allergic symptoms, recommend to friends who also have allergic rhinitis to post stickers. Dr. Huang Xiaoyi of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hualien Hospital Tzu Chi reminded that during the period of application, he should avoid eating cold food and avoid soaking cold water, drink hot water and try not to blow.

Many patients with allergic rhinitis, waking up every morning, sneezing, runny nose, symptoms often last a whole day, affecting life and work. Miss Li, who received a three-volt treatment in the third year, has problems with nasal congestion and runny noses every winter, especially when she gets up in the morning, accompanied by itchy, itchy eyes and itchy nose. itching of the throat. After physiotherapy, Miss Li obviously felt the improvement of allergy symptoms. She said, "After the first year, not only did the allergic symptoms improve by half, but even the cold decreased, especially in the winter, which surprised and quickly made an appointment for the clinic. This year's three volts. "

Allergic rhinitis, asthma, and chronic cough are persistent diseases that occur in the winter and all of which are lung diseases. Dr. Huang Xiaoyi said that the three-volt paste should use the concept of preventive medicine of traditional Chinese medicine, with the principle of winter sickness and summer cure, in the three hottest days of the year , with the medicinal herbs of yanhusuo, asarum and kansui. After the proportion of milling powder and ginger juice is made in a medicine cake, it is applied to the acupuncture points on the back for 4 to 6. The function of adjusting the organs can promote yang and increase resistance to cold sore.

The effectiveness of the three-volt paste transmitted by Chinese medicine has also been scientifically confirmed in recent years. Dr. Huang Xiaoyi said that in the famous American newspapers, there are studies that confirm that immune therapy at three volts can increase non-specific immune function and function of the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex system, reducing effectively the allergic state. More studies have shown that continuous treatment with dough at three volts for three years, the effectiveness of asthma and allergic rhinitis can reach more than 80%. In case of asthma, chronic cough, insomnia, menstrual irregularities and gastrointestinal problems, Dr. Huang Xiaoyi said that doctors would choose different combinations of acupoints according to the constitution of the patient.

Dr. Huang Xiaoyi reminded the public that during the application, the skin may have local redness, itching and burning, or mild peeling, which is a normal phenomenon and should not be too worried . Pregnant women, children under one year old, patients with severe cardiopulmonary function and patients who have many blisters after a short period of application, as well as those who have fever and a inflammation of the throat, are not suitable.

Source: Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Tzu Chi Buddhist Medical Foundation

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