One place, two inspections, five requests, three mergers | Judicial Review | Epoch Times


[Epoch Times 10 juillet 2018] (Epoch Times report Lin Yi Hong Kong) After the adoption of the ordinance "Two inspections" last month, a total of five people submitted a judicial review. Yesterday, the High Court held a hearing. The government has asked that only one case be processed to save resources. After the discussion of the five candidates, they agreed to merge into three motions, and the judge adjourned the decision. Liang Guoxiong, Social Worker Lu Zhiheng, Liang Yiheng, Youth Administration, Gu Junxuan and Guo Zhuojian and five other people have successively entered the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-Speed ​​Railway Ordinance (A). Site, Two Inspections). The High Court of the People's Republic of China proposed a review and ordered the court to order the unconstitutionality of the two regulations, to declare the invalid vote of the Legislative Council, to reverse the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and General Director Lin Zhengyue.

Li Zhuming, senior counsel representing Lv Zhiheng, expresses on behalf of all parties seeking judicial review, may consider that the application may be considered separately or that a person may d & # 39; first examine the audience. I also hope that the court will explain if it agrees with the official inspection of both places, because that is the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, it complies with the Basic Law and is considered the law.

For reasons of economy of resources, the Government asked the Court to hear the examination of the senior representative Li Zhuming on behalf of Lu, to suspend the remaining four cases and announced that he would present a report of legal experts from Mainland China. It is expected that the court will hear in the short term, which can be considered in late August or early September, before the high-speed train is open to traffic, but Judge Zhou Jiaming said that this should not be possible.

After discussion by five applicants, it was decided that three teams of lawyers would represent five candidates, Liang Yiheng and Guo Zhuojian, who were not represented by lawyers, would be represented by lawyers from the 39, one of the other three applicants. Li Zhuming said that after discussion, the legal teams of all parties can hear the case as soon as possible from 5 to 6 September or from 30 to 31 October.

Government relies on resource savings Liang Guoxiong's remarks are disgusting

Li Zhuming also pointed out that the case is very important and hopes that the court will not insist on accepting only the submission of only one applicant. Yu Ruohai, senior counsel representing the government, said that the preparation of three judicial review applications may take longer.

Judge Zhou Jiaming said that no one had been approved for legal aid so far, so that public expenditure factors will not be taken into account at this stage. It is necessary to examine the logic of the parties and postpone the decision.

Liang Guoxiong said that he had sought legal aid, adding that the government had said that it would save time and money and that it would only deal with only one case, adding that this statement was disgusting and uneasy. "The government now employs a senior official who is employed by the public, and it is necessary to save time in court to teach judges and to prevent anyone who seeks legal aid from wasting money." This is very inappropriate ◇

Publisher: Chang Ying

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