Opportunities and Challenges for Taiwanese Students to Study on the Continent – VOA Chinese (VOA)

Opportunities and challenges for Taiwanese students to study in the continental voice of the United States (VOA)

There are currently about 307 colleges and universities in China facing enrollment in Taiwan, with more than 10,000 students in school. On Tuesday, April 17, the China-Hong Kong-Macao Friendship Association organized a symposium in Taipei, where many Taiwanese academics shared their perspectives on Taiwanese students' perspectives and how whose government helped the Taiwanese students to return. There are currently about 307 colleges and universities in China facing enrollment in Taiwan, with more than 10,000 students in school. On Tuesday, April 17, the China-Hong Kong-Macao Friendship Association organized a symposium in Taipei, where many Taiwanese academics shared their perspectives on Taiwanese students' perspectives and how whose government helped the Taiwanese students to return. The topic of the symposium was "Taiwanese students went to earth to meet face-to-face" and many researchers spoke. Among them, Tang Yanbo, president of the University of Science and Technology of Taipei Ocean, said that Taiwanese students studying on the continent can be summed up as: one broad, two deep, three high, four big , five more and six complete. Tang Yanbo, president of the Taipei Ocean University of Science and Technology (Yang Mingshe, the voice of America) said: "A Guang is a student of the mainland who wants to expand his chances; to deepen the continent and to connect to the international, the third is the advantage of continental higher education; Tang Yanbo said that mainland China attaches great importance to the work of the Taiwanese students on the mainland and launches a series of Huitai policies, including: Taiwanese students will be charged the same prices as the mainland students, the central government will grant special grants based on the actual number of students recruited by the 39, university, a special scholarship for Taiwanese students will be set up with a coverage rate higher than 30%, the admission criteria of the interviews will be relaxed and the level superior "will be eased. Mark" level. He said that in the face of declining birth rates in Taiwan, these Huitai policies have had some impact on Taiwan. Fan Shiping, a professor of politics at the National Taiwan Normal University, believes that it is appropriate to encourage education in the strait, Taiwanese students traveling to the mainland and land students studying in Taiwan. It is not necessary to think from the political point of view of the "united front". He said …

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