Participated in the international "Gay Sports Games" on behalf of "Taiwan" The organizers had asked: Do not take the national flag in the arena – The News Lens


The 10th "Gay Sports Games" will be held in Paris on August 4th, 2009. The head of the gay movement will be at the head of the team of honor, and the team will participate in the name of "Taiwan". The Taiwan Gay Movement Development Association, which is in charge of the main clbad of the international gay movement, said the organizers had asked not to raise the national flag.

(Central News Agency) The Taiwan Gay Movement Development Association invited former Olympic players Ji Zheng to cheer on Taiwanese players, and Zhang Wuxiu, a member of the supervisory committee, gave the participants Encouragement to flag. Huang Guochang, chairman of the Power Party and legislator, who supported the equal rights of marriage, was also invited to introduce the actors of the blessing.

At the press conference, Zhai Jiawei said that the sports meeting of several comrades in Taiwan was the participation of individual players.It is the first time on behalf of "the Taiwan team" , and it is possible to participate in the red flag with the blue sky. "Apple Daily" reports that Jia Jiawei said that for more than 40 years of comrades, Taiwan has been invited to participate in exhibitions and speeches of the gay world, repressed by China, but this time, the organizers respect our side. Will, let us have the opportunity to play on behalf of "Taiwan team". Yan Jiawei also said that the next gay sports meeting will be held in Hong Kong under Chinese jurisdiction in 2022. Taiwan's chances will not be as good as this time, Taiwan players will be able to use the Taiwan team in these "Gay Sports Games". The name and the national flag are very rare opportunities.

Huang Guochang stresses that the correct name of Taiwan and equal rights in marriage are the goals of the moment. Participation in the International Gay Sports Meeting on behalf of Taiwan demonstrates that Taiwan promotes the equality of marriage with love, equality and respect. Value, I am happy that Taiwan players can participate in the name of "Taiwan team" and let Taiwan out.

Zhang Wuxiu said that human rights are one of the important tasks of JISC. Health and exercise are very important to society, especially for players who participate in the gay sports event on behalf of Taiwan. The name "Taiwan" is very good Players go abroad to compete "Taiwan is a good brand Good brands should be used as much as possible, and the price will be high."

Ji Zheng believes that players can participate in the 10th gay sports meeting. The name "Taiwan Team" is a big breakthrough. She also called for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, the "Chinese Taipei" team can be called "Taiwan team". Yang Zhiqun, chairman of the Taiwan Gay Movement Development Association, said that the Taiwan Gay Movement Development Association has been invited to join the organization "The Gay Federation Games "(FGG) last February. There are more than 60 members. When applying for membership, you can choose to register on behalf of "country", "region" or "sports organization" The Taiwan Gay Movement Development Association chooses to participate on behalf of the country . Yang Zhiqun also admitted that on February 19, FGG officials said to have received pressure from the French government and hoped that the Taiwan team would not be allowed to enter the blue sky or even to propose the Use it instead. The banner of the "Chinese Olympic Games". Yang Zhiqun told FGG officials that FGG is an organization that defends the human rights of international comrades, that it should be in the same situation as Taiwan and should not succumb to the same. oppression of China by other countries. Finally, after understanding the historical and political relations between Taiwan and China, the other party said that they would do their best to help Taiwan fight and put the national flag on the market and use the name from "the Taiwan team". According to the "Key Review Network", Yang Zhiqun said that the Chinese team wanted to form a team "China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan" with Taiwan, but that at the time Yang Zhiqun thought that the policy was incorrect, more The human rights record of the Chinese comrades is not good, so they give up. He also said that the badociation is currently seeking the right to host the exhibition in 2026 because Taiwan is about to become the first country in Asia to get married and enjoy the same rights, which is very important.

Gay Games is hosted by the Gay Games Federation. The event was created in 1982 by Tom. Founded every four years, Tom Waddel is hosted by various cities to encourage and strengthen the dignity of the global gay community through international sporting and cultural events, and to gain the respect and understanding of the gay community in the heterobadual world. This year's international "Gay Sports Games" have more than 90 countries and around 10,000 players.

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