Party Media Resumes Xi Zhongnan's "Ba Ping" Zhongnanhai Crisis Wave |


[New Dynastie Tang temps de Beijing, 18 juillet 2018] The commercial war crisis triggered the CCP's internal quarrels, and the rumors of the coup d'etat. When foreign media used Beijing's propaganda to calm down, they reported that Xi Jinping had "left" the party's headlines, and he seemed to be hiding behind. After the brief absence of Xi Jinping's report, the CCTV title and the front page of People's Daily were also suspected of generating political signals.

On the evening of Monday (July 16), Beijing time, the news CCTV broadcast began, and the anchor reported four news related to Xi Jinping.

The top leadership of the CCP was absent from the information aired on the 14th, but the December 15 news headline announced Xi Jinping's appeal to the country's president for Pakistan's terrorist attacks.

A similar situation appeared in the media spokesperson of the party "People's Daily". On the front page of the newspaper, on the 17th, four reports by Xi Jinping occupied most of the layout, and three of them were all distributed. Xi Jinping was absent from the front page of the People's Daily on the 15th, but on the 16th, he once again made headlines in the People's Daily.

It was reported in the media that during the 12th broadcast of information, the name of Xi Jinping was directly called, and the three official titles were not mentioned.

However, the NTD reporter found that the news broadcast the same day did not mention the Jinping title in the opening news summary, which is also the practice, and the official headlines immediately added the three titles of Xi. Therefore, the so-called "simplification of the name of Xi Jinping" may be that some media "have an oolong".

At the same time, Xi Jinping has been missing from the front page of the People's Daily on three occasions since July, and has been widely reported and "interpreted". However, some commentators have pointed out that the occasional high-level absence of the People's Daily's CCP is normal and can be used for other purposes.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the People 's Daily did not publish Xi Jinping' s name on the front page for 11 days and also did not publish his photos, which did not publish his photos. is not the same as some recent speculations. "rare".

In combination with the so-called "Beijing state coup" that was recently heated up, it's not difficult to understand the hype of Xi Jinping's absence from the first page of the party. The significance of Xi Jinping's "Big Screen" news show again seems very clear. According to Taiwanese media badysis, Xi Jinping has been a party, a political and military power, and the coup that threatens the supreme power of Beijing is difficult to achieve: the so-called "Beijing change" "can be a test of the party's anti-experience forces.

On the 16th, the party media reported that the confidant of Xi Jinping and Liu He, the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council, met with senior European officials in Beijing the same day. This shows that Liu He, who has been accused of being responsible for the trade war in the rumors of the coup, has relegated to Sage, and is still in a stable position.

However, Wang Huning, another official involved in the coup rumors, seems to have a bad future. Recently, Wang Huning rarely appeared in the official media, and the 12th CPC Central Committee and the meeting promoting the political construction of state organs were rarely welcomed by Ding Xuexiang, director of the Central Office, and Wang Huning, head of party affairs.

Overseas critics Chen Pokong said in the media that this shows that Wang Huning may have been suspended internally, indicating that the anti-study forces were able to achieve some success against him. 39, action "Qingjun side" of Wang Huning.

Recently, some of the CCP's media outlets repeatedly pointed out that the high profile of some propaganda system officials was responsible for triggering trade wars. Hu Ping, US political observer and honorary editor of "Beijing Spring", told the "Voice of America" ​​that the anti-experience forces of the party took advantage of the trade defeat to make concessions and Xi Jinping .

(Full Report of Journalist Li Jie / Publisher: Ming Xuan)

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