[Photos] After the death of 42 people in Phuket, the security of Thai tourism is once again discussed – The News Lens


On the evening of the 5th, a diving trip "Phoenix" in the suburbs of Phuket, Thailand, met a big wave and a sinking took place, it is now confirmed that 42 people are killed and 14 people are still missing. As the ship is mainly made up of Chinese tourists, China has also sent rescue teams for search and rescue. In fact, before the sea, the local government issued weather warnings, but including the Phoenix, a total of two tourist boats ventured into the sea. The security of Thailand's tourism is not high in world rankings.

A shipwreck occurred on the evening of the 5th day in Phuket, Thailand A dive boat carrying 12 crew members and 93 pbadengers suffered a continuous wave of 5 meters The hull went into the water and sank the bottom of the sea.

According to the Bangkok Post, of the 105 pbadengers and crew members, 49 were rescued and 42 bodies were found, but 14 are still missing. The Thai search and rescue team continues to search the islands. "Central News Agency" reported that because the ship is mainly composed of Chinese tourists, the Chinese rescue office of the Ministry of Transportation and Zhejiang rescue team have two rescue teams from China who arrived at the Incident on the 8th in the morning. Recovery work.

However, the "Central News Agency" reported that rescuers reported that the bottom of the wrecked ship had a lot of remains, but in the 47-meter seabed cabin, recovery was difficult. The Thai media reported that most of the divers were transferred to Chiang Rai to rescue players stranded in the Sleeping Beauty cave, resulting in a shortage of insufficient divers and professionals from various countries rushing in Phuket to save the victims.

The Chinese search and rescue team arrived in Thailand on the morning of the 8th and took part in search and rescue operations.
Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image

"Sing Tao Daily" reports that the Phoenix had an accident around 5 pm on the 5th, and rescued Phoenix captain Somjing Boontham was reminded that he had been killed. at 9 o'clock on the 5th. They departed from Ao Chalong Jetty, the largest pier in South Phuket, to the "Racha" diving station and returned from Emperor Island at 16:30, but on return, around 17h, "The front of the ship was hit hard, the seawater then invaded the ship, it was too late to empty the water and the ship began to sink. "

Jing Jing said," At the time, I immediately shouted. All the pbadengers on the boat checked their lifejackets for wear, the two lifeboats were put down and several fishing boats came to help with the rescue. "

The crash site is located in the southern part of Phuket Nearby
Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image
Some visitors to Phoenix were rescued by boats nearby.
Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image

"Sina.com" from China reported that Phoenix belongs to TC DIVING, the company is headed by Chinese Zhang Wenhao, and his wife Thai company Woralak Rirkchaiyakarn.The Thai company "The Nation" reported that Volak announced on the 6th day that the shipping company will file an insurance claim to compensate the wounded and the deceased, in addition to medical expenses, it will also help victims and will carry the remains home

  Phuket Shipwreck
Rescuers have carried out the bodies of the victims.
Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image
  The family members of the victims have cried
The families of the victims recognized the corpse of the Phuket Hospital.
Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image

"France 24" reports that in fact, on the 4th, the day before the launch of the Phoenix, the local meteorological bureau had issued a weather warning, signaling that there would be 4 to 6 The wind is not suitable for the sea, but the Phoenix is ​​still in the sea. According to Zhang Wenhao, the Chinese official, they found the wind alarm and waves on the Internet only around 4 pm on the day of the incident. "But at that time, our boat was already in the storm." (Prawit Wongsuwon) said that he would order a thorough investigation into the reasons for which weather warnings were issued, and the ship has always insisted on sailing. Thai police also said that he would pay a fine to the captain and the shipowner.

"Sing Tao Daily" reported that in addition to the Phoenix, another pbadenger boat "Zanetta" (Zanetta) also went out on the same day, and also returned to the waters near Phuket. Fortunately, 39 tourists on board returned to Phuket safely on a 5th night.

The BBC reported that in recent years, Thailand has become one of the most popular exit countries for Chinese travelers. According to the report published by China Tourism Research Institute and Ctrip Tourism in 2017, 9.8 million Chinese traveled to Thailand last year, or 28% of the total number of tourists in Thailand, with Bangkok being the most popular among Chinese tourists. Foreign cities.

However, according to the World Economic Forum 2017 Global Tourism Competitiveness Report, Thailand ranks only 118 in terms of security in 136 countries and regions.

The 2018 version of the "Safe Travel Guide for Chinese Citizens to South China" published by the Chinese Consulate in Songkhla Province in Thailand shows that Chinese tourists have traffic accidents and drownings in the country. south of Thailand. In 2017, 235 Chinese tourists were involved in a road accident in the Tainan area, killing 8 people, and 49 Chinese tourists also died while wading. The southern part of Thailand refers to 14 provinces south of Chumphon, including tourist destinations such as Phuket, Koh Samui and Phang Nga Bay.

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Editor-in-Chief of the Nuclear Project: Yang Zhiyu

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