Place the ARPG class "Wind Heroes" game content exhibition, floating island waiting for you to adventure :: Game Base gamebase


MoreFun Game announced today (17th) the release of the ARPG vertical version of the mobile game "Wind Heroes". This is a vertical Q version of the ARPG game, with a lightweight and simple operating system, incorporating action elements, excellent graphics and a refreshing feel to ensure a dual visual experience and combat, different from traditional investment games.

  1 "title =" 1 "src =" "data-original =" " Data-mobile = "" data-id = "3817790" data-pad = " .jpg "/> </div>
<p>   The story takes place on the floating island, where the heroes have created a sanctuary to preserve the last fiery species after the goddess Arrhies swallowed the goddess of creation. Juvenile, because the secret of the intimate friend has no choice but to embark on the difficult journey, but also gradually unveiled the secret of the floating island .. .. </p>
<div align=  2 "title =" 2 "src =" "data-original =" https: //i.gbc. tw / gb_img / 3817791l.jpg "data-mobile =" "data-id =" 3817791 "data-pad =" https: //i.gbc .tw / gb_img / s600q80 / 3817791l.jpg "/> </div>
<p>  The game uses a unity engine to create a real 3D battle The picture will greatly enhance the quality and visual effect of the game image, and upgrade the 2D still view to the 3D image. From the screenshot of "The Clockwork Heroes", you can see that a deep maze, a vast meadow, and a pbadionate desert will stage a magnificent epic battle. </p>
<div align=  3 "title =" 3 "src =" "data-original =" Gb_img / 3817792l.jpg "data-mobile =" "data-id =" 3817792 "data-pad =" /gb_img/s600q80/3817792l.jpg"/></div>
<p> Officials revealed that the pre-registration activity will begin in the near future, please pay attention to the official page of the fans of "Wind Heroes" for more fun information! </p>
<p> This news related link: <br /> Wind "Wind Heroes" official fan page </p>
                                <!-- compbadfit_icon --><br />
                                <!-- compbadfit_title_begin -->  Place ARPG clbad "Wind Heroes" game content show, floating island waiting for you to venture <!-- compbadfit_title_end --><br />
                                <!-- compbadfit_body_begin -->  MoreFun Game announced today (17), will be the agent Release ARPG vertical version of the mobile game "Wind Heroes" .C is a magical game Q Meng ARPG vertical, with a light and simple operating system, the elements of melted action <!-- compbadfit_body_end --><br />
                                <!-- compbadfit_date 2018-07-17 15:23:46 -->
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