Poll shows that there are still 17% of children who have been hungry for a day without eating – News – Global IC Trade Starts.


The survey shows that there is still 17% of children surveyed who are hungry for a whole day without eating

29/7/2018 14:31
The Civil Service Center has conducted a questionnaire survey on the nutritional status of children at the grbadroots and found that In the rich Hong Kong, 17% of the children interviewed do not have enough money, they suffer from famine, eat less or do not eat all day, which shows that the problem of child poverty is serious, but the government lacks support. More than 100 children of food beneficiaries and low-income families found that nearly 90% were undernourished and more than half of their cereals, vegetables, meat, fruits and milk did not meet the recommended standards. by the Ministry of Health. The results showed that caregivers were unable to cope with food expenditures in different ways, such as buying poor quality food and receiving free food.
Institutional recommendations, revision of standard CSSA rates for children, regular surveys of child health Cooperation, effectively helping poor children to build healthy lives and solve the problem of undernutrition.
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